The structure of profit sharing schemes in accounting partnerships
Article Abstract:
This paper explains aspects of profit sharing arrangements in accounting partnerships, including the geographical dispersion of partnerships. It is posited that accounting partnerships sharing profits on a national or international basis are likely to use performance-based profit sharing rules; whereas local partnerships are likely to share profits equally. This is caused by factors influencing performance monitoring of partners. We propose that the geographical dispersion of profit sharing is determined by the ability to utilise teamwork efficiently across locations. Results show that more geographically disperse partnerships have a greater proportion of their clients that are firm specific, rather than intrinsically linked to any one individual within the partnership. Finally, guidelines for the efficient design of partnership profit-sharing arrangements are outlined. (Reprinted by permission of the publisher.)
Publication Name: Accounting and Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0810-5391
Year: 1998
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Time series analysis of accounting policy choice: reply
Article Abstract:
Taylor (1992) argues that accounting policy choices in any year are not assessed independently of policy choices adopted in previous years. This independence assumption is a maintained hypothesis of Anderson and Zimmer (1992). Although Taylor acknowledges that our results remain robust to his suggested adjustments for non-independence, we argue in this reply that such adjustments are unnecessary because temporal independence of accounting policy choices is consistent with the implications of costly contracting between the firm and its claimholders. We develop the arguments that (1) accounting choices are temporally independent and our research design is therefore, appropriate (2) to the extent that there is an independence problem of the type proposed by Taylor (1992) it also applies to cross-sectional studies of accounting policy choice. (Reprinted by permission of the publisher.)
Publication Name: Accounting and Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0810-5391
Year: 1992
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Disclosure of reserve quantum in the extractive industries
Article Abstract:
Research finds the reasons why some extractive companies reports reserves and other do not include the stage of operations, cost of measurement, and use of project management.
Publication Name: Accounting and Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0810-5391
Year: 2001
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