Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2005 R. Shnier - Abstracts

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2005 R. Shnier
Pitfalls in scoring MR images of rheumatoid arthritis wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints.(magnetic resonance)HealthP. Bird, J. Edmonds, P. Emery, P. Conaghan, B. Ejbjerg, F. McQueen, M. Lassere, R. Shnier, H. Genant, M. Ostergaard, P. O'Connor, C. Peterfy
The development of the EULAR-OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI reference image atlas.(magnetic resonance imaging)HealthP. Bird, J. Edmonds, P. Conaghan, B. Ejbjerg, F. McQueen, M. Lassere, C. Peterfy, R. Shnier, P.O. Connor, E. Haavardsholm, P. Emery, H. Genant, M. Ostergaard
The EULAR-OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI reference image atlas: the metacarpophalangeal joints.HealthP. Bird, P. Emery, P. Conaghan, B. Ejbjerg, F. McQueen, M. Lassere, C. Peterfy, R. Shnier, M. Ostergaard, P. O'Connor, J. Edmonds
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