Environmental Science & Technology 1996 Jordi Gascon - Abstracts

Environmental Science & Technology 1996 Jordi Gascon
Determination of the cross-reactivities of immunoassays: effect of common cross-reactants for chlorpyrifos-ethyl in water matrices using magnetic particle-based ELISA. (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)Science and technologyDamia Barcelo, Anna Oubina, Jordi Gascon
Disappearance of aerially applied fenitrothion in rice crop waters.Science and technologyImma Ferrer, Damia Barcelo, Anna Oubina, Jordi Gascon
Evaluation of a magnetic particle-based ELISA for the determination of chlorpyrifos-ethyl in natural waters and soil samples. (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)Science and technologyImma Ferrer, Damia Barcelo, Anna Oubina, Jordi Gascon
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