Journal of Animal Science 1992 F.L. Williams - Abstracts

Journal of Animal Science 1992 F.L. Williams
Beef carcass composition of slaughter cattle differing in frame size, muscle score, and external fatness.Zoology and wildlife conservationJ.W. Edwards, J.W. Savell, H.R. Cross, S.G. May, W.L. Mies, F.L. Williams, J.W. Wise, J.B. Morgan
Development of a multivariate yield grade equation to predict compositional traits in mature cow carcasses.Zoology and wildlife conservationJ.W. Savell, H.R. Cross, R.R. Hodgson, K.E. Belk, F.L. Williams
Development of a quantitative quality grading system for mature cow carcasses.Zoology and wildlife conservationJ.W. Savell, H.R. Cross, R.R. Hodgson, K.E. Belk, F.L. Williams
Effect of frame size, muscle score, and external fatness on live and carcass value of beef cattle.Zoology and wildlife conservationJ.W. Edwards, J.W. Savell, H.R. Cross, S.G. May, W.L. Mies, J.J. Harris, F.L. Williams, J.W. Wise
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