Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 1995 - Abstracts

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 1995
A conceptualization of the functions and roles of formalized selling and buying teams.Retail industryRamsey, Rosemary, Deeter-Schmelz, Dawn R.
A critical evaluation of a measure of job involvement: the use of the Lodahl and Kejner (1965) scale with salespeople.Retail industryRamsey, Rosemary, Marshall, Greg W., Lassk, Felicia G.
Behavior- and outcome-based sales control systems: evidence and consequences of pure-form and hybrid governance.Retail industryOliver, Richard L., Anderson, Erin
Clarification of the meaning of job stress in the context of sales force research.Retail industrySager, Jeffrey K., Wilson, Phillip H.
Committing and supervising unethical sales force behavior: the effects of victim gender, victim status, and sales force motivational techniques. (includes appendix)Retail industryBellizzi, Joseph A.
Critical success factors in captive, multi-line insurance agency sales. (includes appendices)Retail industryLeigh, Thomas W., Keck, Kay L., Lollar, James G.
Examining the bases utilized for evaluating salespeoples' performance.(Selling and Sales Management in Action)Retail industryJackson, Donald W., Jr., Schlacter, John L., Wolfe, William G.
Knowledge of customers' customers as a basis of sales force differentiation. (includes appendix)Retail industrySmith, Daniel C., Owens, Jan P.
Perceptions of internal and external equity as predictors of outside salespeoples' job satisfaction.Retail industryChonko, Lawrence B., Roberts, James A., Livingstone, Linda Parrack
Salesperson evaluation using relative performance efficiency: the application of data envelopment analysis.Retail industryDonthu, Naveen, Boles, James S., Lohtia, Ritu
Sales productivity of insurance agents during the first six months of employment: differences between older and younger new hires.Retail industryWerbel, James D., Landau, Jacqueline C.
Sales training: executives' research needs.(Sales Training and Education)Retail industryHoneycutt, Earl D., Jr., Ford, John B., Rao, C.P.
Tbe effect of vertical exchange relationships on the performance attributions and subsequent actions of sales managers.Retail industrySwift, Cathy Owens, Campbell, Constance
The impact of customer satisfaction based incentive systems on salespeople's customer service response: an empirical study.Retail industrySharma, Arun, Sarel, Dan
The new model of personal selling: micromarketing.Retail industryBrooksbank, Roger
Transformational leadership: an initial investigation in sales management. (includes appendix)Retail industryJolson, Marvin A., Spangler, William D., Yammarino, Francis J., Dubinksy, Alan J.
When the sales manager is a woman: an exploration into the relationship between salespeople's gender and their responses to leadership styles.Retail industryDubinsky, Alan J., Jolson, Marvin A., Yammarino, Francis J., Comer, Lucette B.
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