Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 1999 - Abstracts

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 1999
Accounting for the impact of territory characteristics on sales performance: relative efficiency as a measure of salesperson performance.Retail industryDonthu, Naveen, Pilling, Bruce K., Henson, Steve
A cross national example of supervisory management practices in the sales force.Retail industryDeCarlo, Thomas E., Rody, Raymond C., DeCarlo, James E.
Active empathetic listening and selling success: a conceptual framework.Retail industryComer, Lucette B., Drollinger, Tanya
Alliance formation with direct selling companies: Avon and Mattel.Retail industryChonko, Lawrence B.
Apples and apples or apples and oranges? A meta-analysis of objective and subjective measures of salesperson performance.(Statistical Data Included)Retail industryMacKenzie, Scott B., Bommer, William H., Johnson, Jonathan L., Rich, Gregory A., Podsakoff, Philip
Applying learned optimism to increase sales productivity.Retail industrySchulman, Peter
Decision-making processes and formation of salespeople's expectancies, instrumentalities, and valences.Retail industryGray, Gordon T., Wert-Gray, Stacia
Empowered selling teams: how shared leadership can contribute to selling team outcomes.Retail industrySims, Henry P., Jr., Pearce, Craig L., Perry, Monica L.
Extending the learned helplessness paradigm: a critique of Schulman's "Learned Optimism.".(response to article by Peter Schulman in this issue, p 31)Retail industrySujan, Harish
Influence of personal characteristics on salespeople's coping style.Retail industrySrivastava, Rajesh, Sager, Jeff K.
Insights into sexual harassment of salespeople by customers: the role of gender and customer power.(includes appendix)Retail industryJosephs, Susan L., Fine, Leslie M., Shepherd, C. David
Leadership practices in sales managers associated with the self-efficacy, role clarity, and job satisfaction of individual industrial salespeople.(Statistical Data Included)Retail industryShoemaker, Mary E.
Marginally performing salespeople: a definition.(Statistical Data Included)Retail industryHyman, Michael R., Sager, Jeffrey K.
Measuring the impact of turnover on sales.(Statistical Data Included)Retail industryRichardson, Robert
Optimism and street-smarts: identifying and improving salesperson intelligence.Retail industrySujan, Harish
Organizational values and role stress as determinants of customer-oriented selling performance.(includes appendix)Retail industryFlaherty, Theresa B., Skinner, Steven J., Dahlstrom, Robert
Perceived trust in business-to-business sales: a new measure.Retail industryPlank, Richard E., Reid, David A., Pullins, Ellen Bolman
Reframing salesforce compensation systems: an agency theory-based performance management perspective.Retail industryBartol, Kathryn M.
Selling partner relationships: the role of interdependence and relative influence.(Statistical Data Included)Retail industryBarclay, Donald W., Smith, J. Brock
Service quality and the sales force: a tool for competitive advantage.Retail industryShepherd, C. David
The acquisition and use of sales force automation by mid-sized manufacturers.(includes appendices)Retail industryDart, Jack, Rivers, L. Mark
The relationship between ethical conflict, organizational commitment and turnover intentions in the salesforce.Retail industrySchwepker, Charles H., Jr.
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