Innovation, network services and the restructuring of work organisation in customer services
Article Abstract:
A case study of customer services shows that, integrating larger groups of employees into the innovation process would prove beneficial. New rules that determine the degree of responsibility, workloads and supervision need to be introduced.
Publication Name: The Service Industries Journal
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0264-2069
Year: 2004
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The impact of innovation on economic performance in services
Article Abstract:
The relationship between innovation and economic performance in services, at the firm level is explored. The findings reveal that, innovation is an important dimension of firmEs behaviors and also explains the firm's economic performance.
Publication Name: The Service Industries Journal
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0264-2069
Year: 2004
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Innovation, consumption and services: encapsulation and the combinatorial role of services
Article Abstract:
The study of encapsulation has a different approach towards the process of innovation within services. Also, the role of consumption in influencing innovation in intermediate service and goods is focused.
Publication Name: The Service Industries Journal
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0264-2069
Year: 2004
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