Exploring the determinants of retail service quality on the Internet
Article Abstract:
A multidimensional model of consumer perceived online service quality is presented based on consumers' online retail experiences. This model is comparable to the SERVQUAL (service quality) scale with the exception that measures of satisfaction are less dependent on interpersonal interactions and more dependent on technological factors. Implications for service improvement are discussed.
Publication Name: The Journal of Services Marketing
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0887-6045
Year: 2004
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Consumers' perceptions of e-shopping characteristics: an expectancy-value approach
Article Abstract:
Quantitative research, qualitative research, and literature review are utilized to identify underlying dimensions of consumer online shopping choices. Findings show that interactivity and merchandise Web attributes are useful predictors of consumer views toward Internet shopping.
Publication Name: The Journal of Services Marketing
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0887-6045
Year: 2004
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Services quality dimensions of Internet retailing: an exploratory analysis
Article Abstract:
A survey identified five online retail service attributes that customers mentioned most frequently as key to consumer satisfaction: convenience, credibility, ease of use, reliability, and responsiveness. Implications for improving Internet retail service quality are discussed.
Publication Name: The Journal of Services Marketing
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0887-6045
Year: 2003
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