Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2005 E.M. Veys - Abstracts

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2005 E.M. Veys
Colon mucosa of patients both with spondyloarthritis and Crohn's disease is enriched with macrophages expressing the scavenger receptor CD163.HealthH. Mielants, E.M. Veys, P. Demetter, D. Baeten, F. De Keyser, C.A. Cuvelier, M. De Vos, V.A. Van Huysse, L. Ferdinande, H. Peeters
Presence of rheumatoid factor and antibodies to citrullinated peptides in systemic lupus erythematosus.HealthE.M. Veys, F. De Keyser, D. Isenberg, I.E.A. Hoffman, I. Peene, L. Cebecauer, T.W.J. Huizinga, A. Union, L. Meheus, K. De Bosschere, F. Hulstaert
Rheumatoid factor, but not anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, is modulated by infliximab treatment in rheumatoid arthritis.HealthE.M. Veys, F. De Keyser, L. De Rycke, X. Verhelst, E. Kruithof, F. Van den Bosch, I.E.A. Hoffman
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