Arms Control Today 2000 Matthew Rice - Abstracts

Arms Control Today 2000 Matthew Rice
Anticipating inspections: UNMOVIC readies itself for Iraq.(United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission)Political scienceMatthew Rice, J. Peter Scoblic
BLIX assumes charge of UNMOVIC; Security Council debates oil-for-food.Political scienceMatthew Rice
Blix assumes charge of UNMOVIC; Security Council debates oil-for-food.(Hans Blix, United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission)Political scienceMatthew Rice
Clinton signs 'Iran Nonproliferation Act.'Political scienceMatthew Rice
Iraq again rejects 1284 while pressures build on sanctions.Political scienceMatthew Rice
Negotiations on North Korean high-level visit end without resolution.Political scienceMatthew Rice
News and negotiations: U.S. eases sanction after North-South summit; Pyongyang reaffirms missile-testing ban.Political scienceMatthew Rice, Seth Brugger
NPT review conference finds consensus, issues document.(News and Negotiations)(non-proliferation treaty)Political scienceMatthew Rice
NPT review conference finds consensus, issues document.(Non-Proliferation Treaty)Political scienceMatthew Rice
NPT review conference opens.(2000 Non-Proliferation Treaty conference held at the United Nations in New York during Apr and May)Political scienceMatthew Rice
NPT review conference opens.(Non-Proliferation Treaty)Political scienceMatthew Rice
Proliferation threats continue, administration officials say.Political scienceMatthew Rice
Proliferation threats continue, administration officials say.(security issues in the United States)Political scienceMatthew Rice
Russia proposes global regime on missile proliferation.Political scienceMatthew Rice
Shifting priorities: UNMOVIC and the future of inspections in Iraq.(Rolf Eleus; United Nations Monitoring, Verificiation and Inspection Commission)(Interview)Political scienceMatthew Rice, J. Peter Scoblic
Shifting priorities: UNMOVIC and the future of inspections in Iraq.(Sweden's Ambassador to the US and Former Executive Chairman of the United Nations Special Commission in Iraq Rolf Ekeus was not appointed to lead the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and inspection Commission)(Interview)Political scienceMatthew Rice, Scoblic J. Peter
Treading lightly in South Asia, Clinton reaffirms non-proliferation goals.Political scienceMatthew Rice
UN Security Council approves UNMOVIC plan.(United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission)Political scienceMatthew Rice
UN Security Council says 'no' to Ekeus, agrees on Blix to head UNMOVIC.(Hans Blix appointed as Executive Chmn of United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspections Commission)Political scienceMatthew Rice
UN Security Council says 'no' to Ekeus, agrees on Blix to head UNMOVIC.(Rolf Ekeus, Hans Blix, United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspections Commission)Political scienceMatthew Rice
U.S. eases sanctions after north-south summit; Pyongyang reaffirms missile-testing ban.Political scienceMatthew Rice, Seth Brugger
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