Engineering 1997 David Owen - Abstracts

Engineering 1997 David Owen
Discrete presence. (thin film sensors for electrical machines)Science and technologyDavid Owen
Experience counts. (practical knowledge about production processes in computer systems)Science and technologyDavid Owen
Fighting fit. (engineering innovation on weapon technology)Science and technologyDavid Owen
Fresh start. (an experiment on switched-reluctance motor)Science and technologyDavid Owen
Losing flutter. (development of gas turbine models)Science and technologyDavid Owen
Tail in the air.(icing on aircraft)Science and technologyDavid Owen
Thread of evidence. (University College London researches monitoring of quality of metallic surfaces)Science and technologyDavid Owen
Through the barrier. (designing the ThrustSSC supersonic car)(ThrustSSC)Science and technologyDavid Owen
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