European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1996 - Abstracts

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1996
A 15N-leucine-dilution method to measure endogenous contribution to luminal nitrogen in the human upper jejunum.HealthC. Laurent, C. Gaudichon, S. Mahe, C. Luengo, P. Meaugeais, M. Krempf, D. Tome
A critique of the effects of snacking on body weight status.HealthS. Drummond, N. Crombie, T. Kirk
Acute PTH response to oral calcium load and seasonal variation of vitamin D status in healthy young adult subjects.(parathormone)HealthJ. Guillemant, S. Guillemant
Alpha-linolenic acid in rapeseed oil partly compensates for the effect of fish restriction on plasma long chain n-3 fatty acids.HealthA. Aro, I. Salminen, M. Mutanen, L.M. Valsta
Altered body water distribution in subjects with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and its effects on the measurement of water compartments from bioelectric impedance.HealthG. Bedogni, C. Polito, S. Severi, C.G. Strano, A.M. Manzieri, M. Alessio, A. Iovene, N. Battistini
Anaemia among 6 year old children in the United Arab Emirates.HealthA.O. Musaiger, A. Abdulghafoor, H. Radwan
An experimental estimate of the maintenance energy requirement in children with cystic fibrosis.HealthM.B. Duggan, K. Gilbert
Antioxidant vitamins in hospitalized elderly patients: analysed dietary intakes and biochemical status.HealthA. Franco, C. Coudray, A. Schmuck, A. Ravel, J. Alary, A.-M. Roussel
Anti-oxidant vitamin status of Russian children and elderly.HealthM.B. Katan, E.J. Poortvliet, M. van Dusselldorp, F.G. de Waart, F.J. Kok, Alexandrov. A.A., V. Mazaev
Association between nutritional status, cell-mediated immune status and acute lower respiratory infections in Bangladeshi children.HealthR.E. Black, A.H. Baqui, R.B. Sack, K. Zaman, Md. Yunus, O.M. Bateman, H.R. Chowdhury
Basal metabolic rate of women on the contraceptive pill.HealthC.J.K. Henry, V. Curtis, A. Ghusian-Choueiri
Body mass index and body fat distribution in newly-arrived Vietnamese refugees in Sydney, Australia.HealthD. Nguyen, M. Bermingham, K. Brock, H. Tran-Dinh
Body protein in prepubertal children with phenylketonuria.HealthD.C.K. Roberts, J.R. Allen, K.J. Gaskin, L.A. Baur, D.L. Waters, I.R. Humphries, B.J. Allen
Breakfasts high in protein, fat or carbohydrate: effect on within-day appetite and energy balance.HealthR.J. Stubbs, A.M. Johnstone, M.C.W. van Wyk, C.G. Harbron
Can radio-opaque markers be used to measure mouth-to-stoma transit time in ileostomates?HealthJ.H. Cummings, K.R. Silvester
Cigarette smoking is associated with differences in nutritional habits and related to lipoprotein alterations independently of food and alcohol intake.HealthP. Amouyel, J. Dallongeville, N. Marecaux, F. Richard, D. Bonte, G. Zylberberg, M. Fantino, J.-C. Fruchart
Circadian patterns of total 24-h hydrogen and methane excretion in humans ingesting nonstarch polysaccharide (NSP) diets and the implications for indirect calorimetric and D(sub 2)(super 18)O methodologies.HealthM. Elia, A.M. Prentice, R.M. Faulks, G. Livesey, S.D. Poppitt, M. Roe
Coffee consumption and intrauterine growth retardation in Brazil.HealthP.H.C. Rondo, L.C. Rodrigues, A.M. Tomkins
Comparisons between fat measurements by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, underwater weighing and magnetic resonance imaging in healthy women.HealthD.M. Reid, T.S. Han, P. Tothill, A. Avenell, G. McNeill
Composition of platelet phospholipids after moderate consumption of red wine in healthy volunteers.HealthN. Pellegrini, F.I. Pareti, A. Brusamolino, P. Simonetti, B. Bottasso
Computed tomography visceral adipose tissue volume measurements of Italians: predictive equations.HealthM. Zamboni, O. Bosello, F. Armellini, G. Perdichizzi, A. Greco, N. Napoli, I. Pandolfo, G. Mondello
Consumption of ginger (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe) does not affect ex vivo platelet thromboxane production in humans.HealthW.A. van Staveren, S. Meyboom, M.B. Katan, P.L.T.M.K. Janssen, F. de Vegt
Consumption of reduced-fat products: effects on parameters of anti-oxidative capacity.HealthC. de Graaf, J.A. Weststrate, E.J.M. Velthuis-te Wierik, H. van den Berg, K.H. van het Hof
Contribution of dieting to the inverse association between energy intake and body mass index.HealthR. Ballard-Barbash, I. Graubard, Krebs-Smith S.M., A. Schatzkin, F.E. Thompson
Criteria for valid nitrogen balance measurement of protein requirements.(Appendix)HealthN.S. Scrimshaw
Development of food frequency questionnaires in three population samples of Africa origin from Cameroon, Jamaica and Caribbean migrants to the UK.HealthJ.C. Mbanya, J. Cade, B. Balkau, S. Sharma, S. Chungong, J.K. Cruickshank, T. Forrester, M. Jackson, R. Wilks, F. Bennett
Diagnosis of food hypersensitivity. (review article)HealthErkki O. Terho, Johannes Savolainen
Dietary fibres: effects on lipid metabolism and mechanisms of action.HealthDenis Lairon
Dietary magnesium does not predict ischaemic heart disease in the Caerphilly cohort.HealthP.C. Elwood, A.M. Fehily, H. Ising, D.J. Poor, J. Pickering, F. Kamel
Digestion and tolerance of lactose from yoghurt and different semi-solid fermented dairy products containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria in lactose maldigesters - is bacterial lactase important?HealthJ.C. Rambaud, T.H. Vesa, Ph. Marteau, S. Zidi, F. Briet, Ph. Pochart
Dissociation of systemic GH-IGF-I axis from a genetic basis for short stature in African Pygmies.(growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor I)HealthY. Shahkhalili, A.G. Dulloo, G. Atchou, N. Mensi, J. Jacquet, L. Girardier
Does dietary supplementation of cod liver oil mitigate musculoskeletal pain?HealthW. Eriksen, L. Sandvik, D. Bruusgaard
Dose-related gastrointestinal response to the ingestion of either isomalt, lactitol or maltitol in milk chocolate.HealthA. Lee, B. Flourie, G.A. Koutsou, D.M. Storey, A. Zumbe, Y. LeBot, Ph. Olivier
Eating patterns in functional dyspepsia: a case control study.HealthM.J. Gibney, P.W.N. Keeling, P. Cuperus
Effect of 6 month supplementation with different combinations of an association of antioxidant nutrients on biochemical parameters and markers of the antioxidant defence system in the elderly.(Geriatrie/Min. Vit. Aox Network)HealthP. Galan, S. Hercberg, P. Preziosi, J. Arnaud, A.L. Monget, M.J. Richard, M.P. Cournot, B. Herbeth, A. Favier
Effect of chronic dietary protein intake on the renal function in healthy subjects.HealthE. Brandle, H.G. Siebeth, R.E. Hautmann
Effect of corn peptide on alcohol metabolism and plasma free amino acid concentrations in healthy men.HealthM. Ito, M. Yamaguchi, F. Nishikiori, Y. Furukawa
Effect of extreme fish consumption on dietary and plasma antioxidant levels an fatty acid composition.HealthG. Alfthan, I. Salminen, P. Kleemola, L.M. Valsta, M. Anttolainen, M. Tamminen
Effect of fat- and sucrose-containing foods on the size of eating episodes and energy intake in lean dietary restrained and unrestrained females: potential for causing overconsumption.HealthJ.E. Blundell, S.M. Green
Effect of maternal docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation on breast milk composition.HealthM. Makrides, M.A. Neumann, R.A. Gibson
Effect of overfeeding macronutrients on day-to-day food intake in man.HealthR.J. Stubbs, A.M. Johnstone, C.G. Harbron
Effects of Bifidobacterium sp fermented milk ingested with or without inulin on colonic bifidobacteria and enzymatic activities in healthy humans.HealthF Briet, B Flourie, Y Bouhnik, C Andrieux, N Bisetti, J-C Rambaud
Effects of moderate consumption of red wine on platelet aggregation and haemostatic variables in healthy volunteers.HealthN. Pellegrini, F.I. Pareti, F. Stabile, A. Brusamolino, P. Simonetti
Effects of partially hydrogenated fish oil, partially hydrogenated soybean oil and butter on the susceptibility of low density lipoprotein to oxidative modification in men.HealthK. Almendingen, J.I. Pedersen, B. Halvorsen, M.S. Nenseter, E.N. Christiansen
Effects of short-term exercise on appetite responses in unrestrained females.HealthJ.E. Blundell, N.A. King, R.D. Smith, L. Snell
Effects of short-term zinc supplementation on cellular immunity, respiratory symptoms, and growth of malnourished Ecuadorian children.HealthA. Rodriguez, F. Sempertegui, B. Estrella, E. Correa, L. Aguirre, B. Saa, M. Torres, F. Navarrete, C. Alarcon, J. Carrion, J.K. Griffiths
Energy expenditure in overweight and obese adults in affluent societies: an analysis of 319 doubly-labelled water measurements.HealthA.E. Black, T.J. Cole, A.M. Prentice, W.A. Coward
Energy intake adaptation of food intake to extreme energy densities of food by obese and non-obese women.HealthM.S. Westerterp-Plantenga, W.J. Pasman, M.J.W. Yedema, N.E.G. Wijckmans-Duijsens
Energy requirements and dietary energy recommendations for children and adolescents 1 to 18 years old.HealthP.S.W. Davies, G.B. Spurr, B. Torun, M.B.E. Livingstone, M. Paolisso, R. Sackett
Energy requirements: general principles.HealthJVGA Durnin
Energy requirements of infants.HealthNancy F. Butte
Energy requirements of older individuals.HealthS.B. Roberts
Energy requirements of pregnant and lactating women.HealthA.E. Black, A.M. Prentice, G.R. Goldberg, J.M.A. van Raaij, C.J.K. Spaaij, S.D. Poppitt, M. Totton, D. Swann
Evaluation of a food frequency questionnaire used to assess nutrient intake in pregnant women.HealthC. Osmond, S. Robinson, K. Godfrey, V. Cox, D. Barker
Evaluation of multiple frequency bioelectrical impedance and Cole-Cole analysis for the assessment of body water volumes in healthy humans.HealthS.A. Jebb, M. Elia, B.H. Cornish, L.H. Ward, B.J. Thomas
Evaluation of the effect of vitamin A-fortified margarine on the vitamin A status of preschool Filipino children.HealthL. Sanchez, F.S. Solon, M.S. Solon, H. Mehansho, K.P. West Jr., J. Sarol, T. Nano, M. Isleta, E. Wasantwisut, A. Sommer
Existence of iodine deficiency in Hong Kong - a coastal city in southern China.HealthA.W.C Kung, L.W.L Chan, L.C.K. Low, J.D. Robinson
Fish diet, fish oil and docosahexaenoic acid rich oil lower fasting and postprandial plasma lipid levels.HealthM. Uusitupa, O. Hanninen, U. Schwab, J.J. Agren, A. Julkunen, L. Fogelholm, H. Vidgren, O. Pynnonen
Folate and vitamin B(sub 12) status of the elderly.HealthK. Quinn, T.K. Basu
Food and nutrient intake outside the home of 629 French people of fifteen years and over.HealthP. Le Francois, G. Calamassi-Tran, P. Hebel, C. Renault, S. Lebreton, J.L. Volatier
Free-living energy expenditure assessed by two different methods in rural Gambian men.HealthA.M. Prentice, Y. Schutz, A.F. Heini, G. Minghelli, E. Diaz
Height and weight reference charts for children aged 2-18 years from Verona, Italy.HealthG. Zoppi, F. Bressan, A. Luciano
High and low fat consumers, their macronutrient intake and body mass index: further analysis of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey of British Adults.HealthJ.E. Cade, J.E. Blundell, J.I. Macdiarmid
Home enteral tube feeding in East Anglia.HealthM. Elia, G. Neale, T. Parker
Human energy expenditure in affluent societies: an analysis of 574 doubly-labelled water measurements.HealthA.E. Black, T.J. Cole, A.M. Prentice, W.A. Coward
Influence of parboiling and physico-chemical characteristics of rice on the glycaemic index in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects.HealthH.N. Larsen, O.W. Rasmussen, S.H. Thilsted, K. Hermansen, C. Christensen, I.H. Tetens, N.H. Choudhury
Intake and sources of alpha-linolenic acid in Dutch elderly men.HealthE.J.M. Feskens, D. Kromhout, M.B. Katan, D.W. Voskuil
Interactions of serum ferritin with traditional cardiovascular risk factors.(response to A. Oshaug, K.H. Bugge, C.H. Bjonnes, B. Borch-Iohnsen, I.-L. Neslein, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 49, p. 430, 1995)HealthJerome L. Sullivan
Interrelationships among postprandial satiety, glucose and insulin responses and changes in subsequent food intake.HealthP. Petocz, S.H.A. Holt, J.C. Brand Miller
In vivo antioxidant effect of green and black tea in man.HealthA. Ferro-Luzzi, M. Serafini, A. Ghiselli
Is the rat a suitable model for humans on studies of cereal digestion?HealthJ. Brown, G. Livesey, M. Roe, R. Faulks
Lack of influence of intestinal transit on oxidative status in premenopausal women.HealthS. Lewis, C. Bolton, K. Heaton
Large differences in nutritional status between fully weaned and partially breast fed children beyond the age of 12 months.HealthM. Nube, W.K. Asenso-Okyere
Longitudinal weight changes over four years and other associated health factors in 629 men and women aged over 65.HealthE.J. Bassey, A.B. Lehmann
Long-term (6 months) effect of a new fermented milk product on the level of plasma lipoproteins - a placebo-controlled and double blind study.HealthB. Richelsen, K. Kristensen, S.B. Pedersen
Major fruit and vegetable contributors to the main serum carotenoids in the Spanish diet.HealthB. Olmedilla, F. Granado, I. Blanco, E. Rojas-Hidalgo
Meal frequency; does it determine postprandial lipaemia?HealthC. Chapman, C.M. Williams, M.C. Murphy, S.G. Isherwood, J.W. Wright, J.A. Lovegrove, L.M. Morgan
Meal patterns in obese and normal weight men: the 'Gustaf' study.HealthS. Rossner, I. Andersson
Measurement of body composition in chronic renal failure: comparison of skinfold anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.HealthJ.H. Turney, M.A. Smith, G. Woodrow, B. Oldroyd
Measurement of nutritional status using conventional anthropometry and D2O in Sarawak, Malaysia.HealthJ.C.K. Wells, S.S. Strickland
Measurement of total body water by bioelectrical impedance in chronic renal failure.HealthJ.H. Turney, P.S.W. Davies, M.A. Smith, J.M.E. Day, G. Woodrow, B. Oldroyd
Modern and healthy?: socioeconomic differences in the quality of diet.HealthP. Pietinen, R. Prattala, P. Kleemola, E. Roos, E. Lahelma
Nutrition knowledge and attitudes towards high-fat foods and low-fat alternatives in three generations of women.HealthW.A. van Staveren, C. de Graaf, J.G.A.J. Hautvast, J. Burema, A. Stafleu
Nutrition survey of the Hungarian population in a randomized trial between 1992-1994.HealthG. Biro, M. Antal, G. Zajkas
Patterns of muscle and fat mass repair during recovery from advanced infantile protein-energy malnutrition.HealthL. Castilla-Serna, B. Perez-Oritz, J. Cravioto
Physical measures of recovery from anorexia nervosa during hospitalised re-feeding.HealthA. Ward, J. Treasure, E.G. Waller, A.J. Wade, T. Leonard, J. Powell-Tuck
Plasma ascorbic acid concentrations in the Republic of Karelia, Russia and in North Karelia, Finland.HealthG. Alfthan, P. Puska, T. Matilainen, E. Vartiainen, S. Pokusajeva, N. Moisejeva, M. Uhanov
Plasma vitamins A and E and red blood cell fatty acid profile in newborns and their mothers.HealthH.-W. Chen, C.-K. Lii, C.-C. Ou, Y.-C. Wong, B.-J. Kuo, C.-H. Liu
Postprandial triacylglycerolaemia: the effect of low-fat dietary treatment with and without fish oil supplementation.HealthM.J. Gibney, H.M. Roche
Potential health effects of the dietary flavonol quercetin. (review article)HealthP.C.H. Hollman, M.G.L. Hertog
Predictors of adipose tissue tocopherol and toenail selenium levels in nine countries: the EURAMIC study.HealthA.F.M. Kardinaal, A. Aro, S.M. Virtanen, P. van't Veer, F. Kok
Prison deprivation and protein nutritional status of inmates of a developing community prison.HealthJ.O.B. Olubodun, H.A. Akinsola, O.A. Aldeleye
Protein requirements of elderly people.HealthW.W. Campbell, W.J. Evans
Protein requirements of infants and children.HealthK.G. Dewey, B. Lonnerdal, G. Beaton, C. Fjeld, P. Reeds
Relationship between feeding pattern and body mass index in 220 free-living people in four age groups.HealthC. Geissler, C.D. Summerbell, R.C. Moody, J. Shanks, M.J. Stock
Reported alcohol intake, diet and body mass index in male smokers.HealthS. Mannisto, P. Pietinen, D. Albanes, J. Virtamo, J. Haukka, M.-L. Ovaskainen
Report of the working group on energy requirements for pregnancy and lactation.HealthA.M. Prentice, J.G.A.J. Hautvast, L.H. Allen
Report of the working group on energy requirements of infants, children and adolescents.HealthC.J.K. Henry, N.F. Butte, B. Torun
Report of the working group on energy requirements of older individuals.HealthJ.V.G.A. Durnin, A. Ferro-Luzzi, B. Schurch, S. Roberts, P.S. Shetty, J.L. Dupont
Report of the working group on general principles of assessing energy requirements.HealthJ.V.G.A. Durnin, S.B. Roberts, A. Ferro-Luzzi, B. Schurch, P.S. Shetty, M. Buyckx, J.L. Dupont
Report of the working group on protein and amino acid requirements.HealthK.G. Dewey, C. Fjeld, P. Reeds, J.C. Waterlow, G. Clugston, J. Millward, N.S. Scrimshaw, K. Tontisirin, V.R. Young
Respiratory tract and diarrheal infections of breast-fed infants from birth to 6 months of age in household contexts of an Egyptian village.HealthA. Rahmanifar, A. Kirksey, G.P. McCabe, O.M. Galal, G.G. Harrison, N.W. Jerome
Response of plasma lathosterol concentration to change in the quality of dietary fat in men and women.HealthJ.I. Mann, W.H.F. Sutherland, M.J. Ball, C.M.A. Cox
Risk factors for xerophthalmia in the Republic of Kiribati.HealthR.D. Semba, J. O'Connor, D.A. Schaumberg
Serum alpha tocopherol concentrations and cholesterol ester fatty acid composition in 70-year-old men reflect those 20 years earlier.HealthA. Aro, I. Salminen, B. Vessby, M. Ohrvall, S. Tengblad, C-G. Gref
Serum calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc and risk of cardiovascular death.HealthP. Knekt, A. Aromaa, A. Reunanen, J. Maatela, J. Marniemi, J. Maki
Serum concentration of micronutrients in relation to schistosomiasis and indicators of infection: a cross-sectional study among rural Zimbabwean schoolchildren.HealthK.F. Michaelsen, H. Friis, P. Ndhlovu, K. Kaondera, K. Sandstrom, B.J. Vennervald, N.O. Christensen
Serum ferritin and cardiovascular risk - ab ovo?(response to article by Jerome L. Sullivan in this issue, p. 329)HealthArne Oshaug, Berit Borch-Iohnsen
Serum retinol and biochemical measures of iron status in adolescent schoolgirls in urban Bangladesh.HealthF. Ahmed, M.R. Khan, A.A. Jackson, B.M. Margetts, R. Karim, S. Taj, T. Hyderi, M.O. Faruque
Serum selenium values in healthy children aged 1-18 years in NE Slovenia. (north-eastern region)(Short Communication)HealthD. Micetic-Turk, Z. Turk, L. Radolli
Socio-economic influences on gender inequalities in child health in rural Bangladesh.HealthE.K. Rousham
Subclinical beriberi polyneuropathy in the low income group: an investigation with special tools on possible patients with suspected complaints.HealthS.L.H. Notermans, A.L.M. Verbeek, Widjaja Djoenaidi
Subjective and objective indices of the satiating effect of foods. Can people predict how filling a food will be?HealthJ.E. Blundell, S.M. Green
The changing selenium status of New Zealand residents.HealthC.D. Thomson, M.F. Robinson
The determinants of plasma beta-carotene: interaction between smoking and other lifestyle factors.HealthA.A. Jackson, B.M. Margetts
The effect of reduced extrinsic sucrose intake on plasma triglyceride levels.HealthJ.I. Mann, B.E. Niven, J.B. Smith
The effect of splenectomy for hypersplenism on whole body protein turnover, resting metabolic rate and growth in sickle cell disease.HealthA.A. Jackson, G.R. Serjeant, A.V. Badaloo, A. Singhal, T.E. Forrester
The effects of monounsaturated-fat enriched diet and polyunsaturated-fat enriched diet on lipid and glucose metabolism in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance.HealthM.I.J. Uusitupa, E. Sarkkinen, U. Schwab, L. Niskanen, M. Hannuksela, M. Savolainen, K. Kervinen, A. Kesaniemi
The 'Green Keyhole' nutritional campaign in Sweden: do women with more knowledge have better dietary practices?HealthL. Lissner, I. Larsson
The importance of measured intake in assessing exposure of breast-fed infants to organochlorines.HealthP.M. Quinsey, D.C. Donohue, F.J. Cumming, J.T. Ahokas
The indirect association of lactation with subsequent perimenopausal body weight.HealthL.H. Lumey, D. Rush, A.C.J. Ravelli, B. Myers
The influence of fat free mass on prediction of densitometric body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis and by anthropometry.HealthM.E.J. Lean, T.S. Han, R. Carter, J.E.P. Currall
The Malmo food study: the relative validity of a modified diet history method and an extensive food frequency questionnaire for measuring food intake. (Malmo, Sweden)HealthE. Riboli, B. Gullberg, F. Lindgarde, S. Elmstahl, R. Saracci
The Malmo food study: the reproducibility of a novel diet history method and an extensive food frequency questionnaire. (Malmo, Sweden)HealthE. Riboli, B. Gullberg, F. Lindgarde, S. Elmstahl, R. Saracci
The Norwegian diet during the last hundred years in relation to coronary heart disease.HealthL. Johansson, C.A. Drevon, G.-E. Aa Bjorneboe
The prevalence of anaemia and mineral supplement use in a Swedish middle-aged population. Results from the Malmo Diet and Cancer study.HealthS. Elmstahl, P. Wallstrom, L. Janzon, U. Johansson
The relationship between arm-span measurement and height with special reference to gender and ethnicity.HealthC.J.K. Henry, C. Varakamin, S.L. Reeves
The requirements of adult man for indispensable amino acids.HealthJ.C. Waterlow
The role of macronutrient selection in determining patterns of food intake in obese and non-obese women.HealthM.S. Westerterp-Plantenga, N.E.G. Wijckmans-Duijsens, M.J.W. IJedema
Total body protein status assessed by different estimates of fat-free mass in adult peritoneal dialysis patients.HealthD.J. Borovnicar, K.C. Wong, P.G. Kerr, D.B. Stroud, D.W. Xiong, B.J.G. Strauss, R.C. Atkins
Triglycerides, fatty acids, sterols, mono- and disaccharides and sugar alcohols in human milk and current types of infant formula milk.HealthF.A.J. Muskiet, M. Huisman, C.M. van Beusekom, C.I. Lanting, H.J. Nijeboer, E.R. Boersma
Twenty-four-hour energy expenditure and urinary catecholamines of humans consuming low-to-moderate amounts of medium-chain triglycerides: a dose-response study in a human respiratory chamber.HealthA.G. Dulloo, N. Mensi, L. Girardier, M. Fathi
Urinary iodine excretion in mothers and their breast-fed children in relation to other childhood nutritional parameters.HealthA.O. Akanji, A.S. Mainasara, K.S. Akinlade
Validation of a short food frequency questionnaire for assessment of dietary calcium intake in women.HealthP. Wilson, C. Horwath
Validity of self-reported intakes of wine, beer and spirits in population studies.HealthM. Gronbaek, B.L. Heitmann
Variation in nutrient intake with dental status, age and odour perception.HealthD.L. Massart, M.I. Griep, G. Verleye, A.H. Franck, K. Collys, T.F. Mets
Vitamin A deficiency and protein-energy malnutrition in a sample of pre-school age children in the Kivu province in Zaire.HealthM. Dramaix, D. Brasseur, P. Donnen, F. Vertongen, B. Ngoy, M. Zihindula, P. Hennart
Vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia in western Yemen.HealthD.S. Rosen, Z. Al Sharif, M. Bashir, A. Al Shabooti, L.D. Pizzarello
Vitamin C status and respiratory function.HealthK.T. Khaw, S. Bingham, N.E. Day, A.R. Ness
Vitamin C status and serum lipids.HealthK.T. Khaw, S. Bingham, N.E. Day, A.R. Ness
Vitamin D deficiency in veiled Kuwaiti women.HealthMohammed Riad El- Sonbaty, Naser U.A.M.A. Abdul-Ghaffar
Vitamin D prophylaxis in children with a single dose of 150,000 IU of vitamin D.HealthB. Oliveri, H. Cassinelli, C. Mautalen, M. Ayala
Women's dietary fat and sugar intakes: implications for food based guidelines.HealthM.J. Gibney, M.A.T. Flynn, D.D. Sugrue, M.B. Codd
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