Nature 1997 Alison Abbott - Abstracts

Nature 1997 Alison Abbott
Accord could lift block on European biotech patents.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Astronomers fight incursion of phones into radio frequencies.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Austrian gene food petition puts pressure on European partners.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
A window of opportunity is opened for Italian reforms.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Budget cuts force Sweden to consider CERN pull-out. (European Laboratory for Particle Physics)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Conservatives undermine Italy's university reforms.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Curbs on B6 highlight dietary dilemmas.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Czech science fights against flood costs.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
EMBO panel gives biology in Finland a pat on the back.... (European Molecular Biology Organization)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
ESA agrees full re-fly for Cluster mission.(European Space Agency)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
ESA economies may allow Mars mission.(European Space Agency; future European space missions)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
ESA plans put solar science out of orbit. (European Space Agency)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
ESA pulls back from 'fair shares' funding.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
EU research ministers lean on Brussels. (European Union. European Commission)Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid Dickson, Alison Abbott
EU research plan fails to charm critics. (fifth Framework research program)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
European passions cool as bill increases.(International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Europe seeks to rally regional research.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Europe sets out plans for solving neutron drought....(proposed European Spallation Source project to boost neutron supplies)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Euro-vote lifts block on biotech patents.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Fight over Italian research policy threatens chance for reform. (research-grant policy overhaul in Italy)(includes related article on Italian government's proposed biomedical research institute)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Forged images lead to Germany inquiry.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Fraud claims shake German complacency. (German molecular biologists accused of fraud)(includes related article on University of Geneva's refusal to acknowledge fraud exoneration of Karl Illmensee)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Funding delay looms for EU Framework programme.(European Union)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
German resistance to genetic engineering diminishes.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Germany rejects genome data 'isolation.'Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Germany's past still casts a long shadow. (approach to bioethics in Germany)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Germany tightens grip on misconduct.... (handling of scientific misconduct cases by Max Planck Society of Germany)(includes related article on cheating by US students)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Global fusion plans face three-year delay. (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project delayed until year 2000)(includes related article on US participation in project)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Heat rises over Brussels FP5 proposals. (European Union's fifth Framework research program)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Italian universities move to peer review for grants.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Lack of cash for instruments 'threatens ESA science missions.' (European Space Agency)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
'Less bureaucracy' pledge for Italian space agency. (ASI)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
New DFG head vows to back Germany's young scientists - and genetics research.(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Pres Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Political crisis threatens delay to revitalized Italian programme. (possible delay to adoption of Italian Space Agency's planned five-year programme)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
'Quick' Mars mission proposal puts pressure on ESA's plans. (European Space Agency)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Researcher sues over 'fraud' sanction.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Space science projects may be grounded.(prospects for European Space Agency programme Horizon 2000)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Spanish budget raises postdoc job hopes.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
Staff pay cost of keeping CERN collider on target. (European Laboratory for Particle Physics)Zoology and wildlife conservationAlison Abbott
'USA should fund half transatlantic links'.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain, Alison Abbott
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