The International Journal of Eating Disorders 1995 - Abstracts

The International Journal of Eating Disorders 1995
Abnormal eating and dissociative experiences.Psychology and mental healthJohn F. Kihlstrom, Susan Valdiserri
Abnormal eating and dissociative experiences.Psychology and mental healthJohn F. Kihlstrom, Susan Valdiserri
A controlled trial of cisapride in anorexia nervosa.Psychology and mental healthGraeme P. Young, George I. Szmukler, Gladys Miller, Meir Lichtenstein, David S. Binns
Adolescents' weight, sex, and family functioning.Psychology and mental healthBeverley K. Mendelson, Donna R. White, Evelyn Schliecker
Aggressive family communication, weight gain, and improved eating attitudes during systemic family therapy for anorexia nervosa.Psychology and mental healthG. Shugar, S. Krueger
Alexithymia, obesity, and binge eating disorder.Psychology and mental healthJames E. Mitchell, Martina de Zwaan, Michael Bach, Diann Ackard, Sheila M. Specker, Richard L. Pyle, Georg Pakesch
An age-matched comparison of subjects with binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa.Psychology and mental healthJames E. Mitchell, Ross D. Crosby, Nancy C. Raymond, Martina de Zwaan, Melissa P. Mussell
An epidemiological study of eating disorders in Norwegian psychiatric institutions.Psychology and mental healthLasse Eriksen, K. Gunnar Gotestam, Helge Hagen
Anorexia by proxy: are the children of anorexia mothers an at-risk group?Psychology and mental healthJane Scourfield
Anorexia nervosa and schizophrenia in a male chinese(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthPeter Cheung, Einar Wilder-Smith
Anorexia nervosa: directions for future research.Psychology and mental health 
Assessing Dissociative symptoms in eating disordered patients: construct validation of two self report measures.(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthDavid H. Gleaves, Kathleen P. Eberenz
Binge eating disorder in a community-based sample of successful and unsuccessful dieters.Psychology and mental healthRobert L. Spitzer, Kristi J. Ferguson
Binge eating disorder, retention, and dropout in an adult obesity program.Psychology and mental healthMilton Z. Nichaman, Wendell C. Taylor, John P. Foreyt, Karen S.I. Ho, Eun Sul Lee
Binge eating in massively obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery.Psychology and mental healthGian Franco Adami, Patrizia Gandolfo, Beatrice Bauer, Nicola Scopinaro
Body image and steroid use in male bodybuilders.Psychology and mental healthArthur G. Blouin, Gary S. Goldfield
Body mass index as an estimate of body fat.(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthW. James Hannan, Robert M. Wrate, Steven J. Cowen, Christopher P.L. Freeman
Body shape perception and dieting in preadolescent British Asian girls: links with eating disorders.Psychology and mental healthAndrew J. Hill, Razia Bhatti
Body size and parenting in eating disorders: a comparative study of the attitudes of mothers towards their children.(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthDaniel le Grange, Justine Evans
Bone mineral density of eating disorder subgroups.Psychology and mental healthArnold E. Andersen, Paul J. Woodward, Norman LaFrance
Bulimia in a male alcoholic: a symptom substitution in alcoholism.Psychology and mental healthAsli Cepik, Zehra Arikan, Cumhur Boratav, Erdal Isik
Bulimia nervosa: 5-year social outcome and relationship to eating pathology.Psychology and mental healthDavid Reiss, Eric Johnson-Sabine
Bulimia nervosa in two cultures: a comparison of Austrian and American college students.Psychology and mental healthHarrison G. Pope Jr., James I. Hudson, Barbara Mangweth
Changing symptomatology in eating disorders.(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthJennifer Brenner Ash, Eugene Piazza
Chewing and spitting out food - a neglected symptom?Psychology and mental healthRuth McCutcheon, Annette Nolan
Clinical characteristics of eating disorder patients who report sexual or physical abuse.Psychology and mental healthStephen A. Wonderlich, Blake A. Gosnell, Donald T. Fullerton
Cognitive style of patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.Psychology and mental healthWalter H. Kaye, Howard Moss, Andrea M. Bastiani
Comparison of eating disorder patients with and without compulsive exercising.Psychology and mental healthTimothy D. Brewerton, Eileen J. Stellefson, Nancy Hibbs, Elizabeth L. Hodges, Carolyn E. Cochrane
Complications of bereavement as seen in infant anorexia and adolescent anorexia nervosa.Psychology and mental healthJean-Luc Venisse, Michel Sanchez-Cardenas, Nadia Mammar, Didier Robin
Concerns about aging and a drive for thinness: a factor in the biopsychosocial model of eating disorders?Psychology and mental healthMadhulika A. Gupta
Controlled study of eating concerns and psychopathological traits in relatives of eating-disordered probands: do familial traits exist?Psychology and mental healthHoward Steiger, Victor Whitehead, Stephan Stotland, A.M. Ghadirian
Co-occurrence of ego function change and symptomatic change in bulimia nervosa: a six year interview based study.(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthStaffan Sohlberg, Claes Norring
Coping and depression in bulimia nervosa.Psychology and mental healthDavid L. Tobin, Alexandra Sascha Griffing
Developmental role of perceived parental control in the eating psychopathology of Asian and Caucasian schoolgirls.Psychology and mental healthGlenn Waller, Jim McCourt
Development and validation of body rating scales for adolescent females.Psychology and mental healthWilliam G. Iacono, Dianne K. Sherman, Jennifer M. Donnelly
Development and validation of the sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire.Psychology and mental healthJ. Kevin Thompson, Susan Stormer, Leslie J. Heinberg
Development of an eating disorder in a 40 year-old male lung transplant candidate: a case study.Psychology and mental healthL.K. George Hsu, Betty E. Chesler
Development of body image, eating disturbance, and general psychological functioning in female adolescents: covariance structure modelling and longitudinal investigations.Psychology and mental healthJ. Kevin Thompson, Michael D. Coovert, Kevin J. Richards, Sylvia Johnson, Jill Cattarin
Diagnosis of binge eating disorder: discrepancies between a questionnaire and clinical interview.Psychology and mental healthRena R. Wing, Marsha D. Marcus, Catherine G. Greeno
Dietary helplessness and disinhibition in weight cyclers and maintainers.Psychology and mental healthRobert L. Brunner, Timothy P. Carmody, Sachiko T.St. Jeor
Dieting behavior and eating attitudes in Israeli children.Psychology and mental healthAliza Sasson, Charles Lewin, Dina Roth
Differences in weight gain between restrictor and bulimic anorectics.Psychology and mental healthWalter H. Kaye, Radhika Rao, Theodore E. Weltzin, Shira K. Neuberger, Catherine Greeno
Dissociation in bulimic and non-eating-disordered women.Psychology and mental healthGlenn Waller, Wendy Macdonald, Joanne Everill
Distorting reality for children: body size proportions of Barbie and Ken Dolls.Psychology and mental healthKelly D. Brownell, Melissa A. Napolitano
Drive for thinness in black and white pre adolescent girls.(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthRuth H. Striegel-Moore, George B. Schreiber, Judith Rodin, Denise E. Wilfley, Kathleen M. Pike
Early trauma, dissociation, and late onset in the eating disorders.Psychology and mental healthDavid L. Tobin, Andrew L. Molteni, Mark R. Elin
Eating disorder characteristics and psychiatric symptomatology of eumenorrheic and amenorrheic runners.Psychology and mental healthSusan C. Klock, Mary Jane DeSouza
Effects of body image on dieting, exercise, and anabolic steroid use in adolescent males.Psychology and mental healthDean D. Krahn, Adam Drewnowski, Candace L. Kurth
Ethnic/racial and socioeconomic differences in dieting behaviors and body image perceptions in adolescents.Psychology and mental healthMary Story, Michael D. Resnick, Robert W. Blum, Simone A. French
Factors affecting dropout rate from cognitive-behavior group treatment for bulimia nervosa.Psychology and mental healthJane Barlow, Jane Blouin, Kim Schnarre, Jacqueline Carter, Arthur Blouin, Lorna Tener, Catherine Zuro
Family Interactions in bulimia nervosa II: complex intrafamily comparisons and clinical significance.Psychology and mental healthMarion P. Olmsted, D. Blake Woodside, Paul E. Garfinkel, Lorie F. Shekter-Wolfson
Family interactions in bulimia nervosa I: study design, comparisons to established population norms, and changes over the course of an intensive day hospital treatment program.Psychology and mental healthMarion P. Olmsted, D. Blake Woodside, Allan S. Kaplan, Paul E. Garfinkel, Lorie Shekter-Wolfson, Sarah E. Maddocks
Family versus individual therapy for anorexia: impact on family conflict.Psychology and mental healthArthur L. Robin, Patricia T. Siegel, Anne Moye
Fasting and postprandial cerebrospinal fluid glucose concentrations in healthy women and in an obese binge eater.Psychology and mental healthDennis Schmidt, Peter T. Loosen, Thomas D. Geracioti, Michael H. Ebert, Nosa N. Ekhator
Feeling and fantasy in eating disorders: a factor analysis of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale.Psychology and mental healthNicholas A. Troop, Janet L. Treasure, Ulrike H. Schmidt
Female adolescents of alcohol misusers: disordered eating features.Psychology and mental healthMichael D. Resnick, Linda Harris, Joseph M. Chandy, Robert Wm. Blum
General population-based epidemiological study of eating disorders in Norway.Psychology and mental healthW. Stewart Agras, K. Gunnar Gotestam
Incidence of laxative abuse in community and bulimic populations: a descriptive review.Psychology and mental healthDaniel M. Neims, John McNeill, Thomas R. Giles, Fredrick Todd
In defense of psychosomatic theory: a critical analysis of Allison and Heshka's critical analysis. (response to D.B. Allison and S. Heshka, International Journal of Eating Disorders, vol. 13, p. 289, 1993)Psychology and mental healthTatjana Van Strien
Indirect calorimetry in the nutritional management of eating disorders.Psychology and mental healthJanet Schebendach, Neville H. Golden, Arden Martha, Michael Pettei, Daniel Hardoff, Nancy Bauman, Pamela Reichert, Nancy Copperman, Stanley Hertz, I.R. Shenker, Marc S. Jacobson
Interrupting the binge-purge cycle in bulimia: the use of planned binges.Psychology and mental healthZachary P. Steel, Pasco A. Farag, Alex P. Blaszczynski
Ipsapirone in the treatment of bulimia nervosa: an open pilot study.Psychology and mental healthChristian Geretsegger, Karoline V. Greimel, Ilona S. Roed, Jan M. Keppel Hesselink
Laxative withdrawal and anxiety in bulimia nervosa.Psychology and mental healthCynthia M. Bulik, Walter H. Kaye, Theodore E. Weltzin, Claire W. McConaha
Marital communication in eating disorder patients: a controlled observational study.Psychology and mental healthWalter Vandereycken, Stephan Van den Broucke, Hans Vertommen
Nocturnal eating in binge eating disorder and matched-weight controls.Psychology and mental healthRena R. Wing, Marsha D. Marcus, Catherine G. Greeno
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, trichotillomania, and anorexia nervosa: a case report.Psychology and mental healthTamara L. Pryor, Ronald L. Martin, Neil Roach
Obstructive sleep apnea in a consecutive series of obese women.Psychology and mental healthEileen P. Sloan, Colin M. Shapiro
Olfactory dysfunction in anorexia and bulimia nervosa.(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthBarbara J. Rolls, Susan A. Stoner, Richard L. Doty, Arnold E. Andersen, Ingrid C. Fedoroff
Onset of binge eating, dieting, obesity, and mood disorders among subjects seeking treatment for binge eating disorder.Psychology and mental healthJames E. Mitchell, Scott J. Crow, Ross D. Crosby, Nancy C. Raymond, Melissa P. Mussell, Christine L. Weller
Patterns of punitiveness in women with eating disorders.Psychology and mental healthJane Tiller, Janet Treasure, Ulrike Schmidt, Shiren Ali
Perfectionism in anorexia nervosa.Psychology and mental healthWalter H. Kaye, Radhika Rao, Andrea M. Bastiani, Theodore Weltzin
Perfectionism traits and perfectionistic self-presentation in eating disorder attitudes, characteristics, and symptoms.Psychology and mental healthGordon L. Flett, Paul L. Hewitt, Evelyn Ediger
Physical activity, total energy expenditure, and food intake in grossly obese and normal weight women.Psychology and mental healthPetra Platte, Manfred M. Fichter, Karl M. Pirke, Peter Trimborn
Pictorial adaptation of Stroop measures of body-related concerns in eating disorders.Psychology and mental healthM. Kay Walker, David I. Ben-Tovim, Steven Paddick, Josh McNamara
Premorbid onset of psychopathology in long-term recovered anorexia nervosa.Psychology and mental healthWalter H. Kaye, Radhika Rao, Theodore E. Weltzin, Amy L. Deep, Linda M. Nagy
Prevalence of binge eating disorder in different populations of French Women.Psychology and mental healthArnaud Basdevant, Bernard Guy-Grand, Najiba Lahlou, Marianne Pouillon, Michelle Le Barzic, Mireille Brillant
Processing of threat-related information by women with blumic eating attitudes.Psychology and mental healthGlenn Waller, Derrick Watson, Stephanie Quinton
Psychological correlates of weight fluctuation.Psychology and mental healthKelly D. Brownell, John P. Foreyt, G. Ken Goodrick, Robert L. Brunner, Gary Cutter, Sachiko T. St. Jeor
Racial differences in women's desires to be thin.Psychology and mental healthAndrea D. Powell, Arnold S. Kahn
Refeeding, metabolic rate, and weight gain in anorexia nervosa: a review.Psychology and mental healthJames E. Mitchell, Scott J. Crow, Allen S. Levine, Juanita J. Salisbury
Reported sexual abuse and eating psychopathology: a review of the evidence for a casual link.(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthGlenn Waller, Joanne T. Everill
Risk factors for eating disorders in Greek- and Anglo-Australian adolescent girls.Psychology and mental healthSusan J. Paxton, Helen Mildred, Eleanor Wertheim
Rumination in adults: two case histories.Psychology and mental healthMarijo B. Tamburrino, Nancy B. Campbell, Kathleen N. Franco, Cynthia L. Evans
Self-mutilation, anorexia, and dysmenorrhea in obsessive compulsive disorder.Psychology and mental healthSteven Kaplan, Jose A. Yaryura-Tobias, Fugen A. Neziroglu
Social interaction effects on restrained eating.Psychology and mental healthCatherine S. Copeland, J. Donald Woods, Karl G. Hursey
Sociocultural differences on eating attitudes and behaviors, body image, and psychological functioning: a comparison of African-American, Asian-American, and Caucasian college women.Psychology and mental healthCarlos M. Grilo, Gloria E. Akan
Stroop interference and food intake.Psychology and mental healthJoost Overduin, Anita Jansen, Ellen Louwerse
Structural equation modeling of risk factors for the development of eating disorder symptoms in female athletes.Psychology and mental healthDonald A. Williamson, Richard G. Netemeyer, Drew A. Anderson, Lori P. Jackman, Cheryl L. Funsch, Jodie Y. Rabalais
Temperament in eating disorders.Psychology and mental healthCynthia M. Bulik, Patrick F. Sullivan, Walter H. Kaye, Theodore E. Weltzin
The emotional eating scale: the development of a measure to assess coping with negative affect by eating.(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthW. Stewart Agras, Bruce Arnow, Justin Kenardy
The impact of stress, fear of fatness, and panic disorder with agoraphobia on eating disorder symptomatology: a case study.Psychology and mental healthBetty E. Chesler
The incidence and prevalence of anorexia nervosa in three suburban health districts in south west London, U.K..Psychology and mental healthArthur H. Crisp, Barbara Rooney, Lisa McClelland, Philip M. Sedgwick
The spectrum of eating disturbances.Psychology and mental healthCatherine M. Shisslak, Marjorie Crago, Linda S. Estes
The theme of death in the French and German literature on eating disorders.Psychology and mental healthStephen Touyz, Craig Jackson, Wolfgang Lennerts
The Yale-Brown-Cornell eating disorder scale: a new scale to assess eating disorder symptomatology.Psychology and mental healthSuzanne R. Sunday, Katherine A. Halmi, Andrea Einhorn
Total body potassium and serum potassium among eating disorder patients.Psychology and mental healthPauline S. Powers, Ian B. Tyson, Beth A. Stevens, Albert V. Heal
Touch deprivation has an adverse effect on body image: some preliminary observations.Psychology and mental healthNicholas J. Schork, Madhulika A. Gupta
Vitamin status of eating disorder patients: relationship to clinical indices and effect of treatment.Psychology and mental healthCheryl L. Rock, Suparna Vasantharajan
Weight loss, psychological, and nutritional patterns in competitive male body builders.(includes bibliography)Psychology and mental healthKelly D. Brownell, Ross E. Andersen, Susan J. Barlett, Glen D. Morgan
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