Nature 1997 Colin MAcilwain - Abstracts

Nature 1997 Colin MAcilwain
Basic research gets bipartisan treatment.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
'Better adherence vital in AIDS therapies'.(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Bidder for Brookhaven centre bails out.(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of New York withdraws management bid)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Brookhaven contractor is sacked over tritium leak.(dismissal of Associated Universities Incorporated following criticism over services)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Campuses ring to a stormy clash over truth and reason. (conflict over nature of scientific practice and knowledge in the US)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Chip-making equipment industry warns of threat from Intel deal. (Intel Corporation; deal with United States Department of Energy)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Clean car programme falling short of goal.(progress of US technology programme Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Clinton pulls out the stops in bid to win backing for carbon cuts.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Clinton sets a careful course on climate....Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Clinton struggles to appease all sides over climate proposals.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Closure of primate lab angers both researchers and critics.(Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates, New York)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Delays at Brookhaven reactor worsen US 'neutron drought.'.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Ecologists urged to 'win climate debate'.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
FDA seeks to close xenotransplant gap. (US Food and Drug Administration seeks to address public health risks of xenotransplantation)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Fusion researchers seek US role as partners in EU's JET facility.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Hughes confirms its faith in excellence. (Howard Hughes Medical Institute)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Is magnetic fusion heading for ignition or meltdown?(progress of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor programme)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Joint actions may hold the vital formula.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Key legislator collides with US officials on backing for CERN. (James Sensenbrenner, chair of the Science Committee in the House of Representatives)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Kyoto meeting will seek to build bridge over troubled water.(Cover Story)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Mentors seek to prove value for money.(US Carnegie Academy for Science Education science training programme for teachers)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
NAS president hints he may run again. (US National Academy of Sciences President Bruce Alberts)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
New challenge to nuclear test facility.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
NIH urged to address chimp care 'crisis'.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
NSF urged to increase plant genome sequencing effort.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Nuclear triggers get subcritical scrutiny. (usefulness of underground nuclear tests in Nevada)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Outlook brightens for science in US budget proposals for 1998.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
'Real' fall in US research funding revealed.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Research 'could still result in nuclear arms', warns experts. (includes relate article)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Rio follow-up faces frustrated ambitions.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Rio review to rejuvenate green initiatives. (1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Santa Fe centre seeks second wind.(research recommendations at Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Sceptics and salmon challenge scientists.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
'Science Wars' blamed for loss of post. (Institute for Advanced Study Director Phillip Griffiths blocks appointment of Norton Wise to faculty position)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Scientists close in on 'cell from hell' lurking in Chesapeake Bay.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Seismologists claim quake data being 'mis-read' as bomb test. (mixed views about seismic event in northern Russia)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Tokamak closure leaves a hole at centre.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Tritium leak at US reactor sparks crisis for neutron source users.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Tunnelling techniques hold key to prospects for giant accelerator.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Uncertain aims delay start of Internet research effort. (Next Generation Internet initiative)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Universities rally against cuts in Pentagon-funded research. (research universities)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
US academy warns of disaster if required to open up panels.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
'USA should fund half transatlantic links'.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain, Alison Abbott
US energy official departs with a 'get real' warning. (Tara O'Toole, senior official responsible for environment, health and safety at US Dept of Energy)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
US science adviser's exit 'may herald new White House strategy.'(anticipated resignation of US science adviser Jack Gibbon)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
US supercomputer centres to concentrate on networking.(US universities to use National Science Foundation sponsored supercomputers)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
US target 'likely to equal 1990 emissions'. (Countdown to Kyoto) (includes related article on global warming opinion poll)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Voice of US science struggles to be heard.Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
Weapons labs turn to computer simulation. (US nuclear weapons laboratories)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
'Whistleblowers face blast of hostility.' (informers of scientific misconduct)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
White House backs US contribution to LHC. (Large Hadron Collider)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
White House science office 'needs more focus', says panel. (Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the Carnegie Commission)Zoology and wildlife conservationColin Macilwain
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