Animal Behaviour 1993 - Abstracts

Animal Behaviour 1993
A comment on the evidence for a genetic correlation between the sexes in Drosophila melanogaster.Zoology and wildlife conservationR.K. Butlin
Age and site fidelity in female sparrowhawks.Zoology and wildlife conservationI. Newton
A male trait expressed in female pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca: the white forehead patch.Zoology and wildlife conservationJaime Potti
Anecdotes, training, trapping and triangulating: do animals attribute mental states?Zoology and wildlife conservationC.M. Heyes
A new method for depicting animal step patterns.Zoology and wildlife conservationJ.H. Cocatre-Zilgien, F. Delcomyn
An integrative model of the lactational and environmental control of mating in female rhesus monkeys.Zoology and wildlife conservationRodney L. Johnson, Carol M. Berman, Iqbal Malik
Are immigrant vervet monkeys, Cercopithecus aethiops, at greater risk of mortality than residents?Zoology and wildlife conservationDorothy L. Cheney, Robert M. Seyfarth, Lynne A. Isbell
Assessment of expected performance and Zahavi's notion of signal.Zoology and wildlife conservationHeinz Richner
Asymmetries in the expected value of food do not predict the outcome of contests between convict cichlids.Zoology and wildlife conservationErnest R. Keeley, James W.A. Grant
A test of centre-edge hypotheses in a permanently territorial songbird, the Australian magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen.Zoology and wildlife conservationJane M. Hughes, Eleanor D. Brown, Susan M. Farabaugh
Avoidance learning and aggression in guppies.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlexander Y. Zhuikov
Behavioral patterns of extra-pair copulation in tree swallows.Zoology and wildlife conservationJan T. Lifjeld, Raleigh J. Robertson, Peter O. Dunn, Lisa A. Venier
Behavioural adaptations of desert rodents (Hetreomyidae).Zoology and wildlife conservationJan A. Randall
Big and brave: size selection affects foraging under risk of predation in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss.Zoology and wildlife conservationJorgen I. Johnsson
Body size and social preferences of male and female prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster.Zoology and wildlife conservationNancy G. Solomon
Can microhabitat selection or differences in 'catchability' explain male-biased sex ratios in overwintering populations of monarch butterflies?Zoology and wildlife conservationDennis F. Frey, Kingston L.H. Leong
Chemical recognition of unfamiliar conspecifics by green iguanas: functional significance of different signal components.Zoology and wildlife conservationAllison C. Alberts, Dagmar I. Werner
Confidence of paternity and male parental care: an experimental study in tree swallows.Zoology and wildlife conservationRaleigh J. Robertson, Linda A. Whittingham, Peter O. Dunn
Consistency of individual differences in anti-predator behaviour and colour pattern in the garter snake, Thamnophis ordinoides.Zoology and wildlife conservationEdmund D. Brodie III
Context and consequences of comb displays by male rock ptarmigan.Zoology and wildlife conservationRobert Montgomerie, Karen Holder
Contexts and social correlates of long-distance calling by male chimpanzees.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn C. Mitani, Toshisada Nishida
Contextual use of the push-up display by the sagebrush lizard, Sceloporus graciosus.Zoology and wildlife conservationEmilia P. Martins
Courtship and remating in field populations of Drosophila.Zoology and wildlife conservationMark H. Gromko, Therese A. Markow
Detection of the chemical signals of ovulation in the cotton-top tamarin, Saguinus oedipus.Zoology and wildlife conservationToni E. Ziegler, Charles T. Snowdon, Gisela Epple, Teresa A. Porter, Anne M. Belcher, Irmgard Kuderling
Determinants of mating success in male adders, Vipera berus.Zoology and wildlife conservationRichard Shine, Thomas Madsen, Jon Loman, Thomas Hakansson
Development of predator evasion in Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus L.Zoology and wildlife conservationLee A. Fuiman
Divorce in the long-lived and monogamous oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus: incompatibility or choosing the better option?Zoology and wildlife conservationUriel N. Safriel, Bruno J. Ens, Mike P. Harris
Dominant males punish helpers for temporary defection in superb fairy-wrens.Zoology and wildlife conservationRaoul A. Mulder, Naomi E. Langmore
Early approach preferences of patterns and colours in quail: responses to artificial selection and imprinting.Zoology and wildlife conservationGregory Wilson, Joseph K. Kovach
Effects of apparent size and speed on the response of chickens, Gallus gallus, to computer-generated simulations of aerial predators.Zoology and wildlife conservationC.S. Evans, P. Marler, J.M. Macedonia
Effects of body size on agnostic encounters between male jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae).Zoology and wildlife conservationDean B. Faber, Jeffrey R. Baylis
Effects of enhanced lighting on the behaviour of nocturnal frogs.Zoology and wildlife conservationBryant W. Buchanan
Effects of food distribution on foraging competition in rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta, and Papio hamadryas.Zoology and wildlife conservationMauvis A. Gore
Effects of nectar variance on learning by bumble bees.Zoology and wildlife conservationLeslie A. Real, Reuven Dukas
Effects of reducing the mother's radius of action on the development of mother-infant relationships in longtailed macaques.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohan D. Vochteloo, Paul J.A. Timmermans, John A.H. Duijghuisen, Jo M.H. Vossen
Effects of vomeronasal system deafferentation on home range use in a naturalpopulaation of eastern garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis.Zoology and wildlife conservationBrent M. Graves, Mimi Halpern, James C. Gillingham
Egg recognition and egg stealing in murres (Uria spp.).Zoology and wildlife conservationAnthony J. Gaston, Leah N de Forest, David G. Noble
Emotional fever in the lizard Callopistes maculatus (Teiidae).Zoology and wildlife conservationMichel Cabanac, Francois Gosselin
Energetics of mound-tending behaviour in the malleefowl, Leipoa ocellata (Megapodiidae).Zoology and wildlife conservationWesley W. Weathers, Roger S. Seymour, Russell V. Baudinette
Entrainment of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in wood ants by temperature.Zoology and wildlife conservationR.D. North
Environmental conditions and male morphology determine alternative mating behavior in Trinidadian guppies.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn D. Reynolds, Mart R. Gross, Mark J. Coombs
Evolution of bright coloration in schooling fish.Zoology and wildlife conservationLouis P. Roccanova
Exploration in the pig may not be endogenously motivated. (response to DavidG.M. Wood-Gush and Klaus Vestergaard, Animal Behaviour, vol. 42, p. 599, 1991)Zoology and wildlife conservationJeffrey Rushen
Extra-pair paternity and intraspecific brood parasitism in the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris: evidence from DNA fingerprinting.Zoology and wildlife conservationTerry Burke, Marcel Eens, Rianne Pinxten, Rudolf Frans Verheyen, Olivier Hanotte, Andre A. Dhondt
Extra-pair paternity in monogamous tree swallows.Zoology and wildlife conservationPeter T. Boag, Raleigh J. Robertson, Peter O. Dunn, JanT. Lifjeld
Factors affecting diet selection in the shore crab, Carcinus maenus (L.).Zoology and wildlife conservationRoger N. Hughes, Michel J. Kaiser, Robin N. Gibson
Factors influencing the hunting success of an African wild dog pack.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn H. Fanshawe, Clare D. Fitzgibbon
Feather pecking and chronic fear in groups of red junglefowl: their relations to dustbathing, rearing environment and social status.Zoology and wildlife conservationKlaus S. Vestergaard, Jaap P. Kruijt, Jerry A. Hogan
Female choice for age-specific plumage in the orchard oriole: implications for delayed plumage maturation.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid A. Enstrom
Female mate choice of large male broad-headed skinks.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam E. Cooper Jr., Laurie J. Vitt
Female preference for specific pulse duration of male songs in the grasshopper, Omocestus viridulus.Zoology and wildlife conservationThorleifur Eiriksson
Female redlip blennies prefer older males.Zoology and wildlife conservationI.M. Cote, W. Hunte
Filial imprinting in blackbird nestlings, Turdus merula, after only one feeding session.Zoology and wildlife conservationFelix Junco
Fluctuating asymmetry and forceps size in earwigs, Forficula auricularia.Zoology and wildlife conservationTommy Radesater, Hildur Halldorsdottir
Fluctuating asymmetry in Scatophaga stercoraria L.: successful males are more symmetrical.Zoology and wildlife conservationA.C. Liggett, I.F. Harvey, J.T. Manning
Food deprivation during observation reduces social learning in hens.Zoology and wildlife conservationC.J. Nicol, S.J. Pope
Food-elicited calls in chimpanzees: effects of food quantity and divisibility.Zoology and wildlife conservationM.D. Hauser, P. Teixidor, L. Field, R. Flaherty
Food-elicited vocalizations in golden lion tamarins: design features for representational communication.Zoology and wildlife conservationJoseph J. Benz
Footedness in birds.Zoology and wildlife conservationL.J. Rogers, L. Workman
Foraging behaviour and social group dynamics in Puget Sound killer whales.Zoology and wildlife conservationA. Rus Hoelzel
Genetically based differences in foraging behaviour among sympatric morphs of arctic charr (Pisces: salmonidae).Zoology and wildlife conservationS. Skulason, S.S. Snorrason, D. Ota, D.L.G. Noakes
Genetic correlation between the sexes in Drosophila melanogaster: a reply toButlin. (comment on an article by R.K. Butlin in this issue, p. 403)Zoology and wildlife conservationL. Partridge, M. Stamencovic-Radak, M. Andjelcovic
Genetic variance in honey bees for preferred foraging distance.Zoology and wildlife conservationBenjamin P. Oldroyd, Thomas E. Rinderer, Steven M. Buco, Lorraine D. Beaman
Head cocking in galagos.Zoology and wildlife conservationL.J. Rogers, D. Stafford, J.P. Ward
Home-related and home-independent orientation of displaced pigeons with and without olfactory access to environmental air.Zoology and wildlife conservationJakob Kiepenheuer, Michael F. Neumann, Hans G. Wallraff
Honey bee spatial memory: use of route-based memories after displacement.Zoology and wildlife conservationFred C. Dyer, Nancy A. Berry, Amy S. Richard
Hormonal and behavioural responses to simulated territorial intrusion in thecooperatively breeding white-browed sparrow weaver, Plocepasser mahali.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn C. Wingfield, Dale M. Lewis
How a warbler chooses its habitat: field support for laboratory experiments.Zoology and wildlife conservationRussell Greenberg, Eugene S. Morton, Martha Van der Voort
Human presence reduces predation in a free-ranging vervet monkey population in Kenya.Zoology and wildlife conservationLynne A. Isbell, Truman P. Young
Individual odours and mating success in the golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus.Zoology and wildlife conservationZuleyma Tang-Martinez, Linda L. Mueller, George T. Taylor
Individual scent signatures in golden hamsters: evidence for specialization of function.Zoology and wildlife conservationRobert E. Johnston, Alain Derzie, Grace Chiang, Paula Jernigan, Ho-Chang Lee
Information about food quality influences load-size selection in recruited leaf-cutting ants.Zoology and wildlife conservationFlavio Roces, Josue A. Nunez
Inquisitive exploration in pigs. (response to an article by Jeffrey Rushen in this issue, p. 183)Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid G.M. Wood-Gush, Klaus Vestergaard
Interaction between auditory and visual learning during filial imprinting.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohan J. Bolhuis, Hendrik Van Kampen
Kin recognition and cannibalism in spadefoot toad tadpoles.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid W. Pfennig, Paul W. Sherman, Hudson K. Reeve
Kin recognition in the acarid mite, Caloglyphus berlesei: negative evidence.Zoology and wildlife conservationJacek Radwan
Lack of experimental evidence for pheromonal inhibition of reproduction among queens in the ant Leptothorax acervorum.Zoology and wildlife conservationAndrew F.G. Bourke
Lanchester battles and the evolution of combat in ants.Zoology and wildlife conservationNigel R. Franks, Lucas W. Partridge
Locational memory and female-pup reunions in Mexican free-tailed bat maternity colonies.Zoology and wildlife conservationGary F. McCracken
Male mating costs in two insect species (Protohermes, Megaloptera) that produc large spermatophores.Zoology and wildlife conservationFumio Hayashi
Mate choice by female crickets is influenced by predation risk.Zoology and wildlife conservationAnn V. Hedrick, Lawrence M. Dill
Mate choice in the neotropical frog, Hyla ebraccata: sexual selection, mate recognition and signal selection.Zoology and wildlife conservationP.R.Y. Backwell, M. D. Jennions
Maternal care and differences in the use of nests in the domestic cat.Zoology and wildlife conservationHilary N. Feldman
Maternal dominance rank and secondary sex ratio in domestic swine.Zoology and wildlife conservationLee C. Drickamer, Douglas B. Meikle, Stephen H. Vessey, Thomas L. Rosenthal, Kimberly S. Fitzgerald
Micro-habitat segregation and the mating system of Gammarus pulex. (responseto an article by Jaimie T.A. Dick and Robert W. Elwood in this issue, p. 188)Zoology and wildlife conservationPaul I. Ward
Mullerian mimicry and the psychology of predation.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael P. Speed
Nest building on domestic sows: the role of external stimuli.Zoology and wildlife conservationPer Jensen
Nest desertion in the greater flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber roseus.Zoology and wildlife conservationFrank Cezilly
Nest placement by loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta.Zoology and wildlife conservationGraeme C. Hays, John R. Speakman
Oceanic migration in homing Atlantic salmon.Zoology and wildlife conservationLars P. Hansen, Nina Jonsson, Bror Jonsson
On the meaning of alarm calls: functional reference in an avian vocal system.Zoology and wildlife conservationPeter Marler, Christopher S. Evans, Linda Evans
Operant conditioning, song learning and imprinting to taped song in the zebra finch.Zoology and wildlife conservationPatrice Adret
Parasite-Host Associations: Coexistence or Conflict? (Evaluation)Zoology and wildlife conservationBenjamin L. Hart, M.E. Visser
Past foraging experience influences honey bee dance behaviour.Zoology and wildlife conservationMonica Raveret Richter, Keith D. Waddington
Patch estimation by group foragers: what information is used?Zoology and wildlife conservationLuc-Alain Giraldeau, Thoams J. Valone
Patterns of feeding in the polyphagous grasshopper Taeniopoda eques: a fieldstudy.Zoology and wildlife conservationE.A. Bernays, D. Raubenheimer
Philopatry or dispersal: competition for territory vacancies in the splendidfairy-wren, Malurus splendens.Zoology and wildlife conservationEleanor M. Russel, Ian Rowley
Plumage color and male-male interactions in the pied flycatcher.Zoology and wildlife conservationRauno V. Alatalo, Esa Huhta
Prey-size selection, gape limitation and predator vulnerability in Australian blindsnakes (Typhlopidae).Zoology and wildlife conservationRichard Shine, Jonathan K. Webb
Prior residence has a gradual influence on dominance in captive white-throated sparrows.Zoology and wildlife conservationR. Haven Wiley, Donald C. Dearborn
Prospective infanticide and ovulation retardation in free-living house sparrows.Zoology and wildlife conservationJose P. Veiga
Proximate costs and benefits of mate acquisition at leks of the frog Ololygon rubra.Zoology and wildlife conservationGodfrey R. Bourne
Recognition of contentment call spectral characteristics by mallard ducklings: evidence for a consistent perceptual process.Zoology and wildlife conservationChristopher S. Evans
Reconciliation and post-conflict behaviour in ringtailed lemurs, Lemur catta and redfronted lemurs, Eulemur fulvus rufus.Zoology and wildlife conservationPeter M. Kappeler
Reduction in hunting success and settlement strategies in young Spaish imperial eagles.Zoology and wildlife conservationM. Frrer
Returns to emptied cache sites by Clark's nutcrackers, Nucifraga columbiana:a puzzle revisited.Zoology and wildlife conservationAlan C. Kamil, Russell P. Balda, Deborah J. Olson, Sally Good
Risk of predation and foraging sites of individuals in mixed-species tit flocks.Zoology and wildlife conservationJukka Suhonen
Risky sex: male pipefishes mate at random in the presence of a predator.Zoology and wildlife conservationAnders Berglund
Selective copying in mate choices of female sticklebacks.Zoology and wildlife conservationTijs Goldschmidt, Theo C.M. Bakker, Enja Feuth-De Bruijn
Sequence of offspring sex production in the parasitoid wasp, Nasonia vitripennis, in response to unparasitized versus parasitized hosts.Zoology and wildlife conservationBethia H. King
Sexual selection in the raucous toad, Bufo rangeri.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael I. Cherry
Signals for parent-offspring recognition: a comparative analysis of the begging calls of cliff swallows and barn swallows.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael D. Beecher, Mandy B. Medvin, Philip K. Stoddard
Social and spatial organization of female white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, during the fawning season.Zoology and wildlife conservationGeorg Schwede, Hubert Hendrichs, William McShea
Social and spatial organization of free-ranging shrews, Sorex coronatus and Neomys fodiens (Insectivora, Mammalia).Zoology and wildlife conservationDebora Cantoni
Social dynamics in salmonid fishes: do kin make better neighbours?Zoology and wildlife conservationGrant E. Brown, Joseph A. Brown
Social induction of malleability in ducklings: sensory basis and psychological mechanism.Zoology and wildlife conservationGilbert Gottlieb
Social organization in the Egyptian mongoose: group size, spatial behaviour and inter-individual contacts in adults.Zoology and wildlife conservationM. Delibes, F. Palomares
Social stimuli influencing feeding behaviour of Burmese fowl: a video analysis.Zoology and wildlife conservationL.M. McQuoid, B.G. Galef Jr.
Some clarifications of the notion of signals: a reply to Richner. (comment on an article by H. Richner in this issue, p.399)Zoology and wildlife conservationA. Zahavi
Song-based species discrimination and behaviour assessment by female blackbirds, Turdus merula.Zoology and wildlife conservationTorben Dabelsteen, Simon Boel Pedersen
Song, sexual selection, starvation and strategic handicaps.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn M.C. Hutchinson, John M. McNamara, Innes C. Cuthill
Spacing behavior of male pheasants, Phasianus colchicus, in relation to dominance and mate acquisition.Zoology and wildlife conservationMats Grahn, Gorgen Goransson, Torbjorn Von Schantz
Specialized searching and the hostile use of allomenes by a parasitoid whosehost, the butterfly Maculinea rebeli, inhabits ant nests.Zoology and wildlife conservationJ.A. Thomas, G.W. Elmes
Status signalling, motivational condition and dominance: an experimental study in the great tit, Parus major L.Zoology and wildlife conservationJonas Lemel, Kjell Wallin
Tail flagging by adult California ground squirrels: a tonic signal that serves different functions for males and females.Zoology and wildlife conservationMarta J. Hersek, Donald H. Owings
Testosterone and competitive ability in male house mice, Mus musculus: laboratory and field studies.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam J. Zielinski, John G. Vandenbergh
The 'coping' hypothesis of stereotypic behavior.Zoology and wildlife conservationJeffrey Rushen
The 'coping' hypothesis of stereotypic behavior: a reply to Rushen. (commenton an article by Jeffrey Rushen in this issue, p.613)Zoology and wildlife conservationJonathan J. Cooper, Christine J. Nicole
The detection of and responses to experimental intraspecific brood parasitism in eastern kingbirds.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael T. Murphy, Catherine M. Bischoff
The effect of patch depletion on meal patterns in rats.Zoology and wildlife conservationDeanne F. Johnson, Jeffery Triblehorn, George Collier
The effect of relatedness on Gargaphia egg dumping behaviour.Zoology and wildlife conservationDouglas W. Tallamy, Cynthia D. Tallamy
The effect of 'Schreckstoff' on the shoaling behaviour of the minnow: a test of Hamilton's selfish herd theory. (alarm substance located in the skin of minnow, released when wounded by a predator)Zoology and wildlife conservationJens Krause
The effects of time constraints and changes in body mass and satiation on the simultaneous expression of caching and diet-choice decisions.Zoology and wildlife conservationJefffrey R. Lucas, Lynda J. Peterson, Raquel L. Boudinier
The energetic cost of agnostic behaviour in the velvet swimming crab, Necora(=Liocarcinus) puber (L.).Zoology and wildlife conservationI.P. Smith, A.C. Taylor
The evolution of cooperation in mobile organisms.Zoology and wildlife conservationOlof Leimar, Magnus Enquist
The geometry of compensatory feeding in the locust.Zoology and wildlife conservationS.J. Simpson, D. Raubenheimer
The influence of egg survivorship on the subsequent nest fidelity of female bicolour damselfish.Zoology and wildlife conservationRoland A. Knapp
The mating system of Gammarus pulex: a negligible role for micro-habitat segregation. (response to an article by P.I. Ward and A.H. Porter in this issue, p. 119)Zoology and wildlife conservationRobert W. Elwood, Jaimie T.A. Dick
The Observer 2.0. (Behavioural observations software) (Evaluation)Zoology and wildlife conservationM.E. Visser
The priming effects of urine substrate marks on interactions between male house mice, Mus musculus domesticus Schwarz and Schwarz.Zoology and wildlife conservationJane L. Hurst
The relationship between previous meal size and begging vocalizations of nestling rhinoceros auklets, Cerorhinca monocerata.Zoology and wildlife conservationClive J. Welham, Doug F. Bertram
The relative roles of habitat structure and male-male competition in the mating system of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea; Amphipoda): a simulation study.Zoology and wildlife conservationPaul I. Ward, Adam H. Porter
The response of Drosophila parabipectinata to simulated courtship songs.Zoology and wildlife conservationStella A. Crossley, H.C. Bennet-Clark
The role of articulation in the production of rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta,vocalizations.Zoology and wildlife conservationM.D. Hauser, C.S. Evans, P. Marler
The role of queen pheromones in social insects: queen control or queen signal?Zoology and wildlife conservationLaurent Keller, Peter Nonacs
The role of substrate odours in maintaining social tolerance between male house mice, Mus musculus domesticus.Zoology and wildlife conservationJane L. Hurst, Jiming Fang, C.J. Barnard
The shell selection behavior of two closely related hermit crabs.Zoology and wildlife conservationKaren A. Mesce
The trade-off between foraging and courting in male guppies.Zoology and wildlife conservationMark V. Abrahams
The use of trained dogs to discriminate human scent.Zoology and wildlife conservationDonald M. Broom, Barbara A. Sommerville, Ray H. Settle, Frances M.C. Darling
The use of trained dogs to discriminate human scent: a reply.Zoology and wildlife conservationSteven N. Austad, I.L. Brisbin Jr.
Trophallaxis in honey bees: transfer delay and daily modulation.Zoology and wildlife conservationWalter M. Farina, Josue A. Nunez
Untutored song, reproductive success and song learning.Zoology and wildlife conservationHeather Williams, Kerry Kilander, Mary Lou Sotanski
Vigilance in relation to brood size and predator abundance in the barnacle goose, Branta leucopsis.Zoology and wildlife conservationPar Forslund
What is the function of encounter patterns in ant colonies?Zoology and wildlife conservationDeborah M. Gordon, Richard E. Paul, Karen Thorpe
Why do male birds stop copulating while their partners are still fertile?Zoology and wildlife conservationT.R. Birkhead, A.P. Moller
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