The Journal of Wildlife Management 1998 - Abstracts

The Journal of Wildlife Management 1998
A comparison of bobcat and coyote predation on lambs in north-coastal California.Zoology and wildlife conservationDale R. McCullough, Benjamin N. Sacks, Michael M. Jaeger, Jennifer C.C. Neale
Activity budget of white-faced whistling-ducks during winter and spring in northern Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.Zoology and wildlife conservationScott A. Petrie, Valerie Petrie
Aging bison by the incremental cementum growth layers in teeth.Zoology and wildlife conservationSteven A. Moffitt
Alternative approaches to aerial censusing of elk.Zoology and wildlife conservationRobert A. Garrott, Peter J. Gogan, L. Lee Eberhardt, Patrick J. White
A model of northern pintail productivity and population growth rate.Zoology and wildlife conservationPaul L. Flint, Robert F. Rockwell, James B. Grand
Amphibian movements in response to forest edges, roads, and streambeds in southern New England.Zoology and wildlife conservationJames P. Gibbs
Analysis of error from cementum-annuli age estimates of known-age Pennsylvania black bears.Zoology and wildlife conservationGary M. Matson, Duane R. Diefenbach, Wendi A. Harshyne, Gary L. Alt
Analysis of stable isotope data: a K nearest-neighbors randomization test.Zoology and wildlife conservationMerav Ben-David, Michael N. Rosing, Ronald P. Barry
Anthraquinone formulation (Flight Control) shows promise as avian feeding repellent.Zoology and wildlife conservationBradley F. Blackwell, Richard A. Dolbeer, Jerrold L. Belant, Thomas W. Seamans
Anthropogenic effects on winter behavior of ferruginous hawks.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid L. Plumpton, David E. Andersen
A population estimator based on network sampling of tracks in the snow.Zoology and wildlife conservationEarl F. Becker, Michael A. Spindler, Timothy O. Osborne
A productivity index for marbled murrelets in Alaska based on surveys at sea.Zoology and wildlife conservationSteven J. Kendall, Katherine J. Kuletz
Assessing potential gray wolf restoration in the northeastern United States: a spatial prediction of favorable habitat and potential population levels.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid J. Mladenoff, Theodore A. Sickley
Assessing the suitability of landscapes for northern bobwhite.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn L. Roseberry, Scott D. Sudkamp
Behavioral response of free-ranging elk treated with an immunocontraceptive vaccine.Zoology and wildlife conservationRobert A. Garrott, Theodore J. Heilmann, Larry L. Cadwell, Brett L. Tiller
Behavioral responses of two predator species to sudden declines in primary prey.Zoology and wildlife conservationGrant L. Norbury, Dale C. Norbury, Richard P. Heyward
Bird communities of early-successional burned and logged forest.Zoology and wildlife conservationGerald J. Niemi, Lisa A. Schulte
Black woodpecker use of habitats and feeding substrates in a managed Scandinavian forest.Zoology and wildlife conservationJorund Rolstad, Erlend Rolstad, Przemyslaw Majewski
Breeding biology of wood ducks using natural cavities in southern Illinois.Zoology and wildlife conservationRobert J. Gates, Daniel C. Ryan, Robert J. Kawula
Breeding bird community composition in relation to riparian vegetation structure in the western United States.Zoology and wildlife conservationTodd A. Sanders, W. Daniel Edge
Breeding season bird use of recently restored versus natural wetlands in New York.Zoology and wildlife conservationStephen C. Brown, Charles R. Smith
Brood sizes of sympatric American black ducks and mallards in Maine.Zoology and wildlife conservationJerry R. Longcore, Daniel G. Mcauley, David A. Clugston
Brown tree snake response to visual and olfactory cues.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn A. Shivik
Causes and rates of mortality of swift foxes in western Kansas.Zoology and wildlife conservationMarsha A. Sovada, Christiane C. Roy, J.B. Bright, James R. Gillis
Characteristics of American marten den sites in Wyoming.Zoology and wildlife conservationDean E. Pearson, Leonard F. Ruggiero, Stephen E. Henry
Characteristics of forests at spotted owl nest sites in the Pacific Northwest.Zoology and wildlife conservationE. Charles Meslow, Fred L. Ramsey, Katherine T. Hershey
Characteristics of Ponderosa pine snag roosts used by reproductive bats in northern Arizona.Zoology and wildlife conservationThomas E. Morrell, Michael J. Rabe, James C. deVos Jr., Heather Green, C. Richard Miller
Characteristics of wolverine reproductive den sites.Zoology and wildlife conservationAudrey J. Magoun, Jeffrey P. Copeland
Chinese privet and the feeding ecology of white-tailed deer: the role of an exotic plant.Zoology and wildlife conservationRobert J. Warren, Karl A.K. Stromayer, A. Sydney Johnson, Philip E. Hale, Carolyn L. Rogers, Christopher L. Tucker
Chlorinated benzenes as physiological markers for coyotes.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn J. Johnston, Lamar A. Windberg, Carol A. Furcolow, Richard M. Engeman, Marianna Roetto
Cinnamamide modifies foraging behaviors of free-living birds.Zoology and wildlife conservationRichard W. Watkins, David P. Cowan, Elaine L. Gill, Chris J. Feare, Susan M. Fox, Julie D. Bishop, Steve D. Langton, Joanne E. Gurney
Comparison of proposed survey procedures for detection of forest carnivores.Zoology and wildlife conservationKerry R. Foresman, D.E. Pearson
Corrigendum. (correction to 'Accuracy of GPS telemetry collar locations with differential correction' in issue 61:530-539)(Correction Notice)Zoology and wildlife conservationY. Cohen, R.A. Moen, Pastor J.
Dabbling duck behavior and aircraft activity in coastal North Carolina.Zoology and wildlife conservationJames A. Dubovsky, W. James Fleming, John T. Conomy, James A. Collazo
Dabbling duck-habitat associations during winter in coastal South Carolina.Zoology and wildlife conservationRichard M. Kaminski, David H. Gordon, Brian T. Gray
Density and foraging ecology of woodpeckers following a stand-replacement fire.Zoology and wildlife conservationEdward C. Murphy, William A. Lehnhausen
Depredation rates and predators at artificial bird nests in an unfragmented northern hardwoods forest.Zoology and wildlife conservationRichard T. Holmes, Thomas W. Sherry, Stephen S. Sloan
Detectability analysis in transect surveys.Zoology and wildlife conservationSallie C. Beavers, Fred L. Ramsey
Detection of early pregnancy in caribou: evidence for embryonic mortality.Zoology and wildlife conservationDebbie Van de Wetering, Robert G. White, Don E. Russell, Karen L. Gerhart
Development and evaluation of sightability models for summer elk surveys.Zoology and wildlife conservationBruce L. Smith, Frederick G. Lindzey, David S. Moody, Charles R. Anderson Jr., Robert P. Lanka
Dietary overlap between native sitka black-tailed deer and introduced elk in southeast Alaska.Zoology and wildlife conservationMatthew D. Kirchhoff, Douglas N. Larsen
Diet of the red-cockaded woodpecker in the Apalachicola national forest.Zoology and wildlife conservationCharles A. Hess, Frances C. James
Diet selectivity of gadwalls wintering in Alabama.Zoology and wildlife conservationGary R. Hepp, S. Keith McKnight
Do black ducks and wood ducks habituate to aircraft disturbance?Zoology and wildlife conservationJaime A. Collazo, James A. Dubovsky, W. James Fleming, John T. Conomy
Does survey method bias the description of northern goshawk nest-site structure?Zoology and wildlife conservationStephen DeStefano, Sonya K. Daw, Robert Steidl
Dynamics and range expansion of a reestablished muskox population.Zoology and wildlife conservationPatrticia E. Reynolds
Ecological costs of feral predator control: foxes and rabbits.Zoology and wildlife conservationPeter B. Banks, Christopher R. Dickman, Alan E. Newsome
Ecology and management of migrant shorebirds in the Playa Lakes region of Texas.Zoology and wildlife conservationLoren M. Smith, Craig A. Davis
Effectiveness of several oils to reduce hatchability of chicken eggs.Zoology and wildlife conservationChristi A. Yoder, John L. Cummings, Patricia A. Pochop, John E. Steuber
Effectiveness of volatile irritants at reducing consumption of eggs by captive coyotes.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael R. Conover, Suzanne E. Hoover
Effectiveness of wildlife warning reflectors in reducing deer-vehicle collisions: a behavioral study.Zoology and wildlife conservationMarianne Ujvari, Hans J. Baagoe, Aksel B. Madsen
Effect of border-edge cuts on birds at woodlot edges in Southwestern Pennsylvania.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam M. Giuliano, Kathleen K. Fleming
Effect of coyote removal on sheep depredation in northern California.Zoology and wildlife conservationDale R. McCullough, Theodore J. Weller, Mary M. Conner, Michael M. Jaeger
Effect of density reduction on overwinter survival of free-ranging mule deer fawns.Zoology and wildlife conservationGary C. White, Richard M. Bartmann
Effect of firewood harvesting on birds in a California oak-pine woodland.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael L. Morrison, Paul A. Aigner, William M. Block
Effect of lead poisoning on spectacled eider survival rates.Zoology and wildlife conservationPaul L. Flint, Margaret R. Petersen, James B. Grand, Christine L. Moran
Effect of restrictive harvest regulations on survival and recovery rates of American black ducks.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn R. Sauer, Charles M. Francis, Jerome R. Serie
Effect of stand width and adjacent habitat on breeding bird communities in bottomland hardwoods.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn C. Kilgo, Karl V. Miller, Robert A. Sargent, Brian R. Chapman
Effect of undercounting and model selection on a sightability-adjustment estimator for elk.Zoology and wildlife conservationRawland D. Cogan, Duane R. Diefenbach
Effect of water temperature on wild turkey metabolism.Zoology and wildlife conservationKurt J. Haroldson, Richard O. Kimmel, Michael R. Riggs, Michael L. Svihel
Effects of agricultural activities and hunting on home ranges of female white-tailed deer.Zoology and wildlife conservationKurt C. Vercauteren, Scott E. Hygnstrom
Effects of foliar insecticides on survival of northern bobwhite quail chicks.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam E. Palmer, Peter T. Bromley, K. Marc Puckett, John R. Anderson Jr.
Effects of human disturbance on success of artificial duck nests.Zoology and wildlife conservationFrank C. Rohwer, Rob Olson
Effects of implanted radiotransmitters on captive mourning doves.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn H. Schulz, Alex J. Bermudez, James L. Tomlinson, Jeffre D. Firman, Zhuoqiong He
Effects of interindividual variation in echolocation calls on identification of big brown and silver-haired bats.Zoology and wildlife conservationBurr J. Betts
Effects of jet aircraft on mountain sheep.Zoology and wildlife conservationMark C. Wallace, Charles L. Hayes, Paul R. Krausman, Donald W. DeYoung
Effects of population density on horn development in bighorn rams.Zoology and wildlife conservationMarco Festa-Bianchet, Jon T. Jorgenson, William D. Wishart
Effects of recreational activity on wintering bald eagles.Zoology and wildlife conservationMark V. Stalmaster, James L. Kaiser
Effects of recreational activity on wintering bald eagles.Zoology and wildlife conservationMark V. Stalmaster, James L. Kaiser
Effects of recreational shooting on prairie dog colonies.Zoology and wildlife conservationLynn R. Irby, Timothy C. Vosburgh
Effects of spring feeding on body condition of captive-reared ring-necked pheasants in Great Britain.Zoology and wildlife conservationPeter A. Robertson, Roger A.H. Draycott, Andrew N. Hoodless, Mark N. Ludiman
Elk habitat selection on the Clearwater National Forest, Idaho.Zoology and wildlife conservationEdward O. Garton, James W. Unsworth, Lonn Kuck, Bart R. Butterfield
Enhancing Bachman's sparrow habitat via management of red-cockaded woodpeckers.Zoology and wildlife conservationGeoffrey E. Hill, Sheldon Plentovich, James W. Tucker Jr., Nicholas R. Holler
Epidemiology of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and structure of domestic cat populations.Zoology and wildlife conservationDominique Pontier, Emmanuelle Fromont, Marc Artois
Estimating survival rates with age-structure data.Zoology and wildlife conservationBrenda E. Ballachey, Mark S. Udevitz
Evaluating cougar translocation in New Mexico.Zoology and wildlife conservationLinda L. Sweanor, Kenneth A. Logan, Maurice G. Hornocker, Toni K. Ruth, Larry J. Temple
Evaluation of age determination techniques for gray wolves.Zoology and wildlife conservationL. David Mech, Rolf O. Peterson, David B. Landon, Carol A. Waite
Evaluation of a mark-resighting technique for woodland caribou in Newfoundland.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael McGrath, Shane P. Mahoney, John A. Virgl, David W. Fong, Andrea M. MacCharles
Evaluation of resource selection methods with different definitions of availability.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam L. Baker, Mark A. Rumble, Seth A. McClean, Rudy M. King
Evaluation of transmitter attachment techniques on growth of wild turkey poults.Zoology and wildlife conservationErwin E. Klaas, Michael W. Hubbard, Ling-ling C. Tsao, Mark Kaiser, Dewaine H. Jackson
Factors affecting the spatial distribution of San Joaquin kit foxes.Zoology and wildlife conservationBrian L. Cypher, Gredgory D. Warrick
Fallow deer and wild boar pellet group disappearance in a Mediterranean area.Zoology and wildlife conservationPeter V. Genov, Giovanna Massei, Philip Bacon
Finless porpoise abundance in Omura Bay, Japan: estimation from aerial sighting surveys.Zoology and wildlife conservationHideyoshi Yoshida, Kunio Shirakihara, Hirohisa Kishino, Miki Shirakihara, Akira Takemura
Forage site selection by lesser snow geese during autumn staging on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska.Zoology and wildlife conservationJerry W. Hupp, Donna G. Robertson
Forage site selection by lesser snow geese during autumn staging on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska.Zoology and wildlife conservationJerry W. Hupp, Donna G. Robertson
Grizzly bears and calving caribou: what is the relation with river corridors?Zoology and wildlife conservationThomas R. McCabe, Donald D. Young Jr.
Habitat management for the eastern Massasauga in a central New York peatland.Zoology and wildlife conservationGlenn Johnson, Donald J. Leopold
Habitat selection modeling for northern bobwhites on subtropical rangeland.Zoology and wildlife conservationFred S. Guthery, Steven D. Kopp, N. David Forrester, Will E. Cohen
Habitat use and home range of West Indian whistling-ducks.Zoology and wildlife conservationNancy L. Staus
Habitat use by western pond turtles in the Trinity River, California.Zoology and wildlife conservationHartwell H. Welsh, Devin A. Reese
Hand-rearing corvids for reintroduction: importance of feeding regime, nestling growth, and dominance.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn M. Marzluff, Kathryn D. Whitmore
Importance of observer experience in finding desert tortoises.Zoology and wildlife conservationJerome E. Freilich, Edward L. Larue Jr.
Indices for predicting total body fat in red foxes from Australia.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam A. Buttemer, Roy K. Winstanley, Glen Saunders
Influence of forest structure and diseases on nest-site selection by red-breasted nuthatches.Zoology and wildlife conservationChristoph Steeger, Christine L. Hitchcock
Influence of habitat abundance and fragmentation on northern spotted owls in western Oregon.Zoology and wildlife conservationMark S. Boyce, Larry L. Irwin, Joseph S. Meyer
Influence of habitat abundance and fragmentation on northern spotted owls in western Oregon.Zoology and wildlife conservationMark S. Boyce, Larry L. Irwin, Joseph S. Meyer
Influence of temperature and precipitation on survival of wild turkey poults.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam F. Porter, Steven D. Roberts
Interpreting carnivore scent-station surveys.Zoology and wildlife conservationDouglas H. Johnson, Glen A. Sargeant, William E. Berg
Juvenile survival and population regulation of the Jackson elk herd.Zoology and wildlife conservationBruce L. Smith, Stanley H. Anderson
Ketamine-medetomidine or isoflurane immobilization of black-footed ferrets.Zoology and wildlife conservationGlenn E. Plumb, Terry J. Kreeger, Astrid Vargas, E. Tom Thorne
Laboratory evaluation of a methyl anthranilate bead formulation on mallard feeding behaviour.Zoology and wildlife conservationLarry Clark, James E. Davis, John L. Cummings, Patricia A. Pochop
Life-history effects of chemical immobilization and radiocollars on mountain goats.Zoology and wildlife conservationSteeve D. Cote, Marco Festa-Bianchet, Francois Fournier
Limits of retrospective power analysis.Zoology and wildlife conservationPatrick D. Gerard, David R. Smith, Govinda Weerakkody
Litterfall: an overlooked food source for wintering white-tailed deer.Zoology and wildlife conservationFrederick A. Servello, Stephen S. Ditchkoff
Long-term counts of migrating raptors: a role for volunteers in wildlife research.Zoology and wildlife conservationKeith L. Bildstein
Long-term range fidelity in Rocky Mountain elk.Zoology and wildlife conservationFred G. Van Dyke, Wendi C. Klein, Shawn T. Stewart
Mallard duckling growth and survival in relation to aquatic invertebrates.Zoology and wildlife conservationMark A. Hanson, Robert R. Cox Jr., Douglas H. Johnson, Christianne C. Roy, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Malcolm G. Butler
Management of bald eagle communal roosts in fire-adapted mixed-conifer forests.Zoology and wildlife conservationThomas A. Spies, Dominick A. Dellasala, Robert G. Anthony, Kathleen A. Engel
Migration and seasonal range of deer using adjacent deeryards in northern Michigan.Zoology and wildlife conservationTimothy R. Van Deelen, Henry Campa III, Jonathan B. Haufler, Maya Hamady
Migration patterns of black brant in Boundary Bay, British Columbia.Zoology and wildlife conservationFred Cooke, Evan G. Cooch, Eric T. Reed, R. Ian Goudie
Mitigating spatial differences in observation rate of automated telemetry systems.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid B. Marx, Michael J. Wisdom, Bruce K. Johnson, Scott L. Findholt, Larry D. Bryant, Alan A. Ager
Modeling and evaluation of ear tag loss in black bears.Zoology and wildlife conservationDuane R. Diefenbach, Gary L. Alt
Modeling habitat suitability for small mammals in Chihuahuan Desert foothills of New Mexico.Zoology and wildlife conservationStephen Demarais, Eric E. Jorgensen, Scott M. Sell, Scott P. Lerich
Moose dispersal and its role in the maintenance of harvested populations.Zoology and wildlife conservationJean-Pierre Ouellet, Rehaume Courtois, Johanne Labonte, Francis Belisle
Movements of female black bears in relation to landscape vegetation type in southern Quebec.Zoology and wildlife conservationJean Huot, Claude Samson
Nest-site characterization and reproductive success of Mississippi kites in the Mississippi River floodplains.Zoology and wildlife conservationErnie P. Wiggers, Rochelle B. Renken, Jeff D. Barber
Nest-site selection by Cooper's hawks in an urban environment.Zoology and wildlife conservationClint W. Boal, R. William Mannan
Niche overlap in sympatric populations of fox and gray squirrels.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn W. Edwards, David G. Heckel, David C. Guynn Jr.
On the use of demographic models of population viability in endangered species management.Zoology and wildlife conservationSteven R. Beissinger, M. Ian Westphal
Operative temperature reduces habitat space for Northern bobwhites.Zoology and wildlife conservationFred S. Guthery, Steven D. Kopp, N. David Forrester, Will E. Cohen
Outcome of aggressive interactions between American black ducks and mallards during the breeding season.Zoology and wildlife conservationJerry R. Longcore, Daniel G. Mcauley, David A. Clugston
Parasitism of greater prairie-chicken nests by ring-necked pheasants.Zoology and wildlife conservationJeffrey D. Brawn, Ronald L. Westemeier, John E. Buhnerkempe, William R. Edwards, Scott A. Simpson
Patterns of den use by San Joaquin kit foxes.Zoology and wildlife conservationThomas T. Kato, Jerry H. Scrivner, Marni E. Koopman
Population demographics of two local South Carolina mourning dove populations.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid L. Otis, Donald P. McGowan Jr.
Postfledging nest dependence period for bald eagles in Florida.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael W. Collopy, Petra Bohall Wood, Carolyn M. Sekerak
Potential risk to ring-necked pheasants from application of toxic bait for blackbird control in south Dakota.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid G. Decker, Michael L. Avery, George M. Linz, John S. Humphrey, Mary Jo Kenyon, David L. Bergman
Predation of artificial nests in hardwood fragments enclosed by pine and agricultural habitats.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn C. Kilgo, Karl V. Miller, Robert A. Sargent, Brian R. Chapman
Predation rates and predators at artificial bird nests in an unfragmented northern hardwoods forest.Zoology and wildlife conservationRichard T. Holmes, Thomas W. Sherry, Stephen S. Sloan
Predicting body condition of bears via two field methods.Zoology and wildlife conservationCharles T. Robbins, Grant V. Hilderbrand, Sean D. Farley
Predicting early mortality of newborn guanacos by birth mass and hematological parameters: a provisional model.Zoology and wildlife conservationWarren E. Johnson, Ronald J. Sarno, Laura L. Gustafson, William L. Franklin, Russel L. Hunter, Karen M. Young, Michael J. Behl
Predicting greater prairie-chicken nest success from vegetation and landscape characteristics.Zoology and wildlife conservationMark R. Ryan, Gwen McKee, Larry M. Mechlin
Predictors of white-tailed deer grazing intensity in fragmented deciduous forests.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid J. Augustine, Peter A. Jordan
Productivity and population increase of subarctic breeding canvasbacks.Zoology and wildlife conservationJames E. Hines, Michael A. Fournier
Rabies control: an adaptive management approach.Zoology and wildlife conservationThomas D. Nudds, Claudia A. Schubert, Richard C. Rosatte, Charles D. MacInnes
Radiocesium in mourning doves: effects of a contaminated reservoir drawdown and risk to human consumers.Zoology and wildlife conservationI. Lehr Brisbin Jr., Joanna Burger, Robert A. Kennamer, Clark D. McCreedy
Red-shouldered hawk broadcast surveys: factors affecting detection of responses and population trends.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid E. Andersen, Mary Anne McLeod
Relation between weather and survival of wild turkey nests.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam F. Porter, Steven D. Roberts
Relations of forest cover and condition of elk: a test of the thermal cover hypothesis in summer and winter.Zoology and wildlife conservationJack Ward Thomas, John G. Cook, Robert A. Riggs, Larry L. Irwin, Larry D. Bryant
Relations of small mammal populations to even-aged shelterwood systems in sub-boreal spruce forest.Zoology and wildlife conservationThomas P. Sullivan, Charlotte Von Trebra, Denis P. Lavender
Reproductive characteristics of a wild turkey population in central Mississippi.Zoology and wildlife conservationBruce D. Leopold, Darren A. Miller, George A. Hurst
Reproductive ecology of eastern wild turkeys in southwestern Wisconsin.Zoology and wildlife conservationRobert G. Wright, R. Neal Paisley, John F. Kubisiak, Robert E. Rolley
Reproductive performance of female Alaskan caribou.Zoology and wildlife conservationBruce W. Dale, Layne G. Adams
Response of nesting ducks to predator exclosures and water conditions during drought.Zoology and wildlife conservationPamela J. Pietz, John T. Lokemoen, Glen A. Sargeant, Lewis M. Cowardin, H. Thomas Sklebar
Response of small mammals to clearcutting, burning, and glyphosate application in the Oregon Coast Range.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam C. McComb, Carol L. Chambers, Elizabeth C. Cole, Michael Newton, J.P. Leeming
Responses of caribou to overflights by low-altitude jet aircraft.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael D. Smith, Robert G. White, Stephen M. Murphy, Julie A K. Maier
Return rates and reproductive output of captive-reared female mallards.Zoology and wildlife conservationTina Yerkes, Cynthia Bluhm
Scaled quail use of different serial stages in the Chihuahuan desert.Zoology and wildlife conservationJerry L. Holechek, Manuel Cardenas, Lewis Saiwana, Ackim Tembo, Raul Valdez
Seasonal changes in water flux, forage intake, and assimilated energy of free-ranging muskrats.Zoology and wildlife conservationKevin L. Campbell, Gillian L. Weseen, Robert A. MacArthur
Secondary use of aspen cavities by tree-roosting big brown bats.Zoology and wildlife conservationR. Mark Brigham, Matina C. Kalcounis
Selection of day roosts by female long-legged myotis in the central Oregon Cascade Range.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam C. McComb, Patricia C. Ormsbee
Short-term effects of small-scale habitat disturbance on activity by insectivorous bats.Zoology and wildlife conservationR. Mark Brigham, Scott D. Grindal
Short-term effects of understory and overstory management on breeding birds in Arkansas oak-hickory forests.Zoology and wildlife conservationKimberly G. Smith, Paul G. Rodewald
Shot prevalences and diets of diving ducks five years after ban on use of lead shotshells at Catahoula Lake, Louisiana.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam L. Hohman, Joseph L. Moore, Timothy M. Stark, Gary A. Weisbrich
Silvicultural use of herbicide in sub-boreal spruce forest: implications for small mammal population dynamics.Zoology and wildlife conservationThomas P. Sullivan, Christopher Nowotny, R.A. Lautenschlager, Robert G. Wagner
Songbird community composition and nesting success in grazed and ungrazed pinyon-juniper woodlands.Zoology and wildlife conservationNancy E. Mathews, Christopher Goguen
Spatial mobility of breeding female white-tailed deer in a low-density population.Zoology and wildlife conservationRonald F. Labisky, Duane E. Fritzen
Spatial organization of a prairie striped skunk population during the waterfowl nesting season.Zoology and wildlife conservationFrancois Messier, Serge Lariviere
Survival and cause-specific mortality of wild turkey hens in central Mississippi.Zoology and wildlife conservationBruce D. Leopold, Darren A. Miller, George A. Hurst, Loren W. Burger
Survival and cause-specific mortality rates of adult white-tailed deer in New Brunswick.Zoology and wildlife conservationWarren B. Ballard, Heather A. Whitlaw, Graham J. Forbes, Dwayne L. Sabine, Steven J. Young, Roger A. Jenskins
Survival and reproduction of female Sichuan, ring-necked, and F1 hybrid pheasants.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid R. Luukkonen, Harold H. Prince, John A. Niewoonder
Survival of female northern pintails wintering in Southwestern Louisiana.Zoology and wildlife conservationRobert R. Cox Jr., Alan D. Afton, Richard M. Pace III
Survival of ring-necked pheasant chicks during brood rearing.Zoology and wildlife conservationWilliam R. Clark, Terry Z. Riley, Paul A. Vohs, Dean E. Ewing
Survival rates in a nonharvested brown hare population.Zoology and wildlife conservationEric Marboutin, Kurt Hansen
Testing for wolf-cyote hybridization in the rocky mountains using mitochondrial DNA.Zoology and wildlife conservationStephen H. Forbes, Kristine L. Pilgrim, Diane K. Boyd
The commercial harvest of wildlife in Dornod Aimag, Alaska.Zoology and wildlife conservationRichard P. Reading, Henry Mix, Badamjavin Lhagvasuren, Natsagdorjin Tseveenmyadag
The effect of multiple-brooding on age rations of quails.Zoology and wildlife conservationFred S. Guthery, William P. Kuvlesky
The effect of rearing methods on survival of reintroduced black-footed ferrets.Zoology and wildlife conservationDean E. Biggins, Astrid Vargas, Louis R. Hanebury, Jerry L. Godbey, Bob Luce, Paul E. Marinari, Marc R. Matchett
The influence of a small sanctuary on survival rates of black bears in North Carolina.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael R. Pelton, Jeff Beringer, Allan J. Brody, Steven G. Seibert, Steve Reagan, Larry D. Vangilder
The use of fields at night by wintering American woodcock.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid G. Krementz, James B. Berdeen
True metabolizable energy estimates of Canada goose foods.Zoology and wildlife conservationMark J. Petrie, Ronald D. Drobney, David A. Graber
Ungulate effects on the functional species composition of plant communities: herbivore selectivity and plant tolerance.Zoology and wildlife conservationDavid J. Augustine, Samuel J. McNaughton
Use of ratio estimators to estimate the size of common eider populations in winter.Zoology and wildlife conservationNathalie Plante, Daniel Bordage, Andre Bourget, Sylvain Paradis
Use of vocalizations to estimate population size of roe deer.Zoology and wildlife conservationJean-Paul Vincent, David Reby, Bruno Cargnelutti, Jean-Marc Angibault, A.J. Mark Hewison
Validating the use of artificial nets in predation experiments.Zoology and wildlife conservationCatherine P. Ortega, Joseph C. Ortega, Stacia A. Backensto, Cristin A. Rapp
Validity of using artificial nests to assess duck-nest success.Zoology and wildlife conservationMichael A. Butler, Rotella Jay J.
Variable reproductive success of bald eagles on the British Columbia coast.Zoology and wildlife conservationJohn E. Elliott, Ian E. Moul, Kimberly M. Cheng
Variance component analysis and heritability of antler traits in white-tailed deer.Zoology and wildlife conservationHarry A. Jacobson, Steven D. Lukefahr
Wild turkey population dynamics in southwestern Wisconsin.Zoology and wildlife conservationRobert G. Wright, R. Neal Paisley, John F. Kubisiak, Robert E. Rolley
Winter behavior of desert tortoises in southcentral Nevada.Zoology and wildlife conservationKurt R. Rautenstrauch, Audrey L.H. Rager, Danny L. Rakestraw
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