The Journal of Wildlife Management 1998 - Abstracts
The Journal of Wildlife Management 1998 | |||||
Title | Subject | Authors | |||
A comparison of bobcat and coyote predation on lambs in north-coastal California. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Dale R. McCullough, Benjamin N. Sacks, Michael M. Jaeger, Jennifer C.C. Neale | |||
Activity budget of white-faced whistling-ducks during winter and spring in northern Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Scott A. Petrie, Valerie Petrie | |||
Aging bison by the incremental cementum growth layers in teeth. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Steven A. Moffitt | |||
Alternative approaches to aerial censusing of elk. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Robert A. Garrott, Peter J. Gogan, L. Lee Eberhardt, Patrick J. White | |||
A model of northern pintail productivity and population growth rate. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Paul L. Flint, Robert F. Rockwell, James B. Grand | |||
Amphibian movements in response to forest edges, roads, and streambeds in southern New England. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | James P. Gibbs | |||
Analysis of error from cementum-annuli age estimates of known-age Pennsylvania black bears. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Gary M. Matson, Duane R. Diefenbach, Wendi A. Harshyne, Gary L. Alt | |||
Analysis of stable isotope data: a K nearest-neighbors randomization test. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Merav Ben-David, Michael N. Rosing, Ronald P. Barry | |||
Anthraquinone formulation (Flight Control) shows promise as avian feeding repellent. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Bradley F. Blackwell, Richard A. Dolbeer, Jerrold L. Belant, Thomas W. Seamans | |||
Anthropogenic effects on winter behavior of ferruginous hawks. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | David L. Plumpton, David E. Andersen | |||
A population estimator based on network sampling of tracks in the snow. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Earl F. Becker, Michael A. Spindler, Timothy O. Osborne | |||
A productivity index for marbled murrelets in Alaska based on surveys at sea. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Steven J. Kendall, Katherine J. Kuletz | |||
Assessing potential gray wolf restoration in the northeastern United States: a spatial prediction of favorable habitat and potential population levels. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | David J. Mladenoff, Theodore A. Sickley | |||
Assessing the suitability of landscapes for northern bobwhite. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | John L. Roseberry, Scott D. Sudkamp | |||
Behavioral response of free-ranging elk treated with an immunocontraceptive vaccine. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Robert A. Garrott, Theodore J. Heilmann, Larry L. Cadwell, Brett L. Tiller | |||
Behavioral responses of two predator species to sudden declines in primary prey. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Grant L. Norbury, Dale C. Norbury, Richard P. Heyward | |||
Bird communities of early-successional burned and logged forest. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Gerald J. Niemi, Lisa A. Schulte | |||
Black woodpecker use of habitats and feeding substrates in a managed Scandinavian forest. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jorund Rolstad, Erlend Rolstad, Przemyslaw Majewski | |||
Breeding biology of wood ducks using natural cavities in southern Illinois. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Robert J. Gates, Daniel C. Ryan, Robert J. Kawula | |||
Breeding bird community composition in relation to riparian vegetation structure in the western United States. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Todd A. Sanders, W. Daniel Edge | |||
Breeding season bird use of recently restored versus natural wetlands in New York. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Stephen C. Brown, Charles R. Smith | |||
Brood sizes of sympatric American black ducks and mallards in Maine. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jerry R. Longcore, Daniel G. Mcauley, David A. Clugston | |||
Brown tree snake response to visual and olfactory cues. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | John A. Shivik | |||
Causes and rates of mortality of swift foxes in western Kansas. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Marsha A. Sovada, Christiane C. Roy, J.B. Bright, James R. Gillis | |||
Characteristics of American marten den sites in Wyoming. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Dean E. Pearson, Leonard F. Ruggiero, Stephen E. Henry | |||
Characteristics of forests at spotted owl nest sites in the Pacific Northwest. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | E. Charles Meslow, Fred L. Ramsey, Katherine T. Hershey | |||
Characteristics of Ponderosa pine snag roosts used by reproductive bats in northern Arizona. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Thomas E. Morrell, Michael J. Rabe, James C. deVos Jr., Heather Green, C. Richard Miller | |||
Characteristics of wolverine reproductive den sites. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Audrey J. Magoun, Jeffrey P. Copeland | |||
Chinese privet and the feeding ecology of white-tailed deer: the role of an exotic plant. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Robert J. Warren, Karl A.K. Stromayer, A. Sydney Johnson, Philip E. Hale, Carolyn L. Rogers, Christopher L. Tucker | |||
Chlorinated benzenes as physiological markers for coyotes. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | John J. Johnston, Lamar A. Windberg, Carol A. Furcolow, Richard M. Engeman, Marianna Roetto | |||
Cinnamamide modifies foraging behaviors of free-living birds. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Richard W. Watkins, David P. Cowan, Elaine L. Gill, Chris J. Feare, Susan M. Fox, Julie D. Bishop, Steve D. Langton, Joanne E. Gurney | |||
Comparison of proposed survey procedures for detection of forest carnivores. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Kerry R. Foresman, D.E. Pearson | |||
Corrigendum. (correction to 'Accuracy of GPS telemetry collar locations with differential correction' in issue 61:530-539)(Correction Notice) | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Y. Cohen, R.A. Moen, Pastor J. | |||
Dabbling duck behavior and aircraft activity in coastal North Carolina. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | James A. Dubovsky, W. James Fleming, John T. Conomy, James A. Collazo | |||
Dabbling duck-habitat associations during winter in coastal South Carolina. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Richard M. Kaminski, David H. Gordon, Brian T. Gray | |||
Density and foraging ecology of woodpeckers following a stand-replacement fire. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Edward C. Murphy, William A. Lehnhausen | |||
Depredation rates and predators at artificial bird nests in an unfragmented northern hardwoods forest. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Richard T. Holmes, Thomas W. Sherry, Stephen S. Sloan | |||
Detectability analysis in transect surveys. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Sallie C. Beavers, Fred L. Ramsey | |||
Detection of early pregnancy in caribou: evidence for embryonic mortality. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Debbie Van de Wetering, Robert G. White, Don E. Russell, Karen L. Gerhart | |||
Development and evaluation of sightability models for summer elk surveys. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Bruce L. Smith, Frederick G. Lindzey, David S. Moody, Charles R. Anderson Jr., Robert P. Lanka | |||
Dietary overlap between native sitka black-tailed deer and introduced elk in southeast Alaska. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Matthew D. Kirchhoff, Douglas N. Larsen | |||
Diet of the red-cockaded woodpecker in the Apalachicola national forest. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Charles A. Hess, Frances C. James | |||
Diet selectivity of gadwalls wintering in Alabama. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Gary R. Hepp, S. Keith McKnight | |||
Do black ducks and wood ducks habituate to aircraft disturbance? | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jaime A. Collazo, James A. Dubovsky, W. James Fleming, John T. Conomy | |||
Does survey method bias the description of northern goshawk nest-site structure? | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Stephen DeStefano, Sonya K. Daw, Robert Steidl | |||
Dynamics and range expansion of a reestablished muskox population. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Patrticia E. Reynolds | |||
Ecological costs of feral predator control: foxes and rabbits. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Peter B. Banks, Christopher R. Dickman, Alan E. Newsome | |||
Ecology and management of migrant shorebirds in the Playa Lakes region of Texas. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Loren M. Smith, Craig A. Davis | |||
Effectiveness of several oils to reduce hatchability of chicken eggs. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Christi A. Yoder, John L. Cummings, Patricia A. Pochop, John E. Steuber | |||
Effectiveness of volatile irritants at reducing consumption of eggs by captive coyotes. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Michael R. Conover, Suzanne E. Hoover | |||
Effectiveness of wildlife warning reflectors in reducing deer-vehicle collisions: a behavioral study. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Marianne Ujvari, Hans J. Baagoe, Aksel B. Madsen | |||
Effect of border-edge cuts on birds at woodlot edges in Southwestern Pennsylvania. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | William M. Giuliano, Kathleen K. Fleming | |||
Effect of coyote removal on sheep depredation in northern California. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Dale R. McCullough, Theodore J. Weller, Mary M. Conner, Michael M. Jaeger | |||
Effect of density reduction on overwinter survival of free-ranging mule deer fawns. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Gary C. White, Richard M. Bartmann | |||
Effect of firewood harvesting on birds in a California oak-pine woodland. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Michael L. Morrison, Paul A. Aigner, William M. Block | |||
Effect of lead poisoning on spectacled eider survival rates. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Paul L. Flint, Margaret R. Petersen, James B. Grand, Christine L. Moran | |||
Effect of restrictive harvest regulations on survival and recovery rates of American black ducks. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | John R. Sauer, Charles M. Francis, Jerome R. Serie | |||
Effect of stand width and adjacent habitat on breeding bird communities in bottomland hardwoods. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | John C. Kilgo, Karl V. Miller, Robert A. Sargent, Brian R. Chapman | |||
Effect of undercounting and model selection on a sightability-adjustment estimator for elk. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Rawland D. Cogan, Duane R. Diefenbach | |||
Effect of water temperature on wild turkey metabolism. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Kurt J. Haroldson, Richard O. Kimmel, Michael R. Riggs, Michael L. Svihel | |||
Effects of agricultural activities and hunting on home ranges of female white-tailed deer. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Kurt C. Vercauteren, Scott E. Hygnstrom | |||
Effects of foliar insecticides on survival of northern bobwhite quail chicks. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | William E. Palmer, Peter T. Bromley, K. Marc Puckett, John R. Anderson Jr. | |||
Effects of human disturbance on success of artificial duck nests. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Frank C. Rohwer, Rob Olson | |||
Effects of implanted radiotransmitters on captive mourning doves. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | John H. Schulz, Alex J. Bermudez, James L. Tomlinson, Jeffre D. Firman, Zhuoqiong He | |||
Effects of interindividual variation in echolocation calls on identification of big brown and silver-haired bats. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Burr J. Betts | |||
Effects of jet aircraft on mountain sheep. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Mark C. Wallace, Charles L. Hayes, Paul R. Krausman, Donald W. DeYoung | |||
Effects of population density on horn development in bighorn rams. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Marco Festa-Bianchet, Jon T. Jorgenson, William D. Wishart | |||
Effects of recreational activity on wintering bald eagles. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Mark V. Stalmaster, James L. Kaiser | |||
Effects of recreational activity on wintering bald eagles. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Mark V. Stalmaster, James L. Kaiser | |||
Effects of recreational shooting on prairie dog colonies. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Lynn R. Irby, Timothy C. Vosburgh | |||
Effects of spring feeding on body condition of captive-reared ring-necked pheasants in Great Britain. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Peter A. Robertson, Roger A.H. Draycott, Andrew N. Hoodless, Mark N. Ludiman | |||
Elk habitat selection on the Clearwater National Forest, Idaho. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Edward O. Garton, James W. Unsworth, Lonn Kuck, Bart R. Butterfield | |||
Enhancing Bachman's sparrow habitat via management of red-cockaded woodpeckers. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Geoffrey E. Hill, Sheldon Plentovich, James W. Tucker Jr., Nicholas R. Holler | |||
Epidemiology of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and structure of domestic cat populations. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Dominique Pontier, Emmanuelle Fromont, Marc Artois | |||
Estimating survival rates with age-structure data. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Brenda E. Ballachey, Mark S. Udevitz | |||
Evaluating cougar translocation in New Mexico. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Linda L. Sweanor, Kenneth A. Logan, Maurice G. Hornocker, Toni K. Ruth, Larry J. Temple | |||
Evaluation of age determination techniques for gray wolves. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | L. David Mech, Rolf O. Peterson, David B. Landon, Carol A. Waite | |||
Evaluation of a mark-resighting technique for woodland caribou in Newfoundland. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Michael McGrath, Shane P. Mahoney, John A. Virgl, David W. Fong, Andrea M. MacCharles | |||
Evaluation of resource selection methods with different definitions of availability. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | William L. Baker, Mark A. Rumble, Seth A. McClean, Rudy M. King | |||
Evaluation of transmitter attachment techniques on growth of wild turkey poults. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Erwin E. Klaas, Michael W. Hubbard, Ling-ling C. Tsao, Mark Kaiser, Dewaine H. Jackson | |||
Factors affecting the spatial distribution of San Joaquin kit foxes. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Brian L. Cypher, Gredgory D. Warrick | |||
Fallow deer and wild boar pellet group disappearance in a Mediterranean area. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Peter V. Genov, Giovanna Massei, Philip Bacon | |||
Finless porpoise abundance in Omura Bay, Japan: estimation from aerial sighting surveys. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Hideyoshi Yoshida, Kunio Shirakihara, Hirohisa Kishino, Miki Shirakihara, Akira Takemura | |||
Forage site selection by lesser snow geese during autumn staging on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jerry W. Hupp, Donna G. Robertson | |||
Forage site selection by lesser snow geese during autumn staging on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jerry W. Hupp, Donna G. Robertson | |||
Grizzly bears and calving caribou: what is the relation with river corridors? | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Thomas R. McCabe, Donald D. Young Jr. | |||
Habitat management for the eastern Massasauga in a central New York peatland. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Glenn Johnson, Donald J. Leopold | |||
Habitat selection modeling for northern bobwhites on subtropical rangeland. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Fred S. Guthery, Steven D. Kopp, N. David Forrester, Will E. Cohen | |||
Habitat use and home range of West Indian whistling-ducks. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Nancy L. Staus | |||
Habitat use by western pond turtles in the Trinity River, California. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Hartwell H. Welsh, Devin A. Reese | |||
Hand-rearing corvids for reintroduction: importance of feeding regime, nestling growth, and dominance. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | John M. Marzluff, Kathryn D. Whitmore | |||
Importance of observer experience in finding desert tortoises. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jerome E. Freilich, Edward L. Larue Jr. | |||
Indices for predicting total body fat in red foxes from Australia. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | William A. Buttemer, Roy K. Winstanley, Glen Saunders | |||
Influence of forest structure and diseases on nest-site selection by red-breasted nuthatches. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Christoph Steeger, Christine L. Hitchcock | |||
Influence of habitat abundance and fragmentation on northern spotted owls in western Oregon. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Mark S. Boyce, Larry L. Irwin, Joseph S. Meyer | |||
Influence of habitat abundance and fragmentation on northern spotted owls in western Oregon. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Mark S. Boyce, Larry L. Irwin, Joseph S. Meyer | |||
Influence of temperature and precipitation on survival of wild turkey poults. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | William F. Porter, Steven D. Roberts | |||
Interpreting carnivore scent-station surveys. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Douglas H. Johnson, Glen A. Sargeant, William E. Berg | |||
Juvenile survival and population regulation of the Jackson elk herd. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Bruce L. Smith, Stanley H. Anderson | |||
Ketamine-medetomidine or isoflurane immobilization of black-footed ferrets. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Glenn E. Plumb, Terry J. Kreeger, Astrid Vargas, E. Tom Thorne | |||
Laboratory evaluation of a methyl anthranilate bead formulation on mallard feeding behaviour. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Larry Clark, James E. Davis, John L. Cummings, Patricia A. Pochop | |||
Life-history effects of chemical immobilization and radiocollars on mountain goats. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Steeve D. Cote, Marco Festa-Bianchet, Francois Fournier | |||
Limits of retrospective power analysis. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Patrick D. Gerard, David R. Smith, Govinda Weerakkody | |||
Litterfall: an overlooked food source for wintering white-tailed deer. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Frederick A. Servello, Stephen S. Ditchkoff | |||
Long-term counts of migrating raptors: a role for volunteers in wildlife research. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Keith L. Bildstein | |||
Long-term range fidelity in Rocky Mountain elk. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Fred G. Van Dyke, Wendi C. Klein, Shawn T. Stewart | |||
Mallard duckling growth and survival in relation to aquatic invertebrates. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Mark A. Hanson, Robert R. Cox Jr., Douglas H. Johnson, Christianne C. Roy, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Malcolm G. Butler | |||
Management of bald eagle communal roosts in fire-adapted mixed-conifer forests. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Thomas A. Spies, Dominick A. Dellasala, Robert G. Anthony, Kathleen A. Engel | |||
Migration and seasonal range of deer using adjacent deeryards in northern Michigan. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Timothy R. Van Deelen, Henry Campa III, Jonathan B. Haufler, Maya Hamady | |||
Migration patterns of black brant in Boundary Bay, British Columbia. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Fred Cooke, Evan G. Cooch, Eric T. Reed, R. Ian Goudie | |||
Mitigating spatial differences in observation rate of automated telemetry systems. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | David B. Marx, Michael J. Wisdom, Bruce K. Johnson, Scott L. Findholt, Larry D. Bryant, Alan A. Ager | |||
Modeling and evaluation of ear tag loss in black bears. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Duane R. Diefenbach, Gary L. Alt | |||
Modeling habitat suitability for small mammals in Chihuahuan Desert foothills of New Mexico. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Stephen Demarais, Eric E. Jorgensen, Scott M. Sell, Scott P. Lerich | |||
Moose dispersal and its role in the maintenance of harvested populations. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jean-Pierre Ouellet, Rehaume Courtois, Johanne Labonte, Francis Belisle | |||
Movements of female black bears in relation to landscape vegetation type in southern Quebec. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jean Huot, Claude Samson | |||
Nest-site characterization and reproductive success of Mississippi kites in the Mississippi River floodplains. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Ernie P. Wiggers, Rochelle B. Renken, Jeff D. Barber | |||
Nest-site selection by Cooper's hawks in an urban environment. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Clint W. Boal, R. William Mannan | |||
Niche overlap in sympatric populations of fox and gray squirrels. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | John W. Edwards, David G. Heckel, David C. Guynn Jr. | |||
On the use of demographic models of population viability in endangered species management. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Steven R. Beissinger, M. Ian Westphal | |||
Operative temperature reduces habitat space for Northern bobwhites. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Fred S. Guthery, Steven D. Kopp, N. David Forrester, Will E. Cohen | |||
Outcome of aggressive interactions between American black ducks and mallards during the breeding season. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jerry R. Longcore, Daniel G. Mcauley, David A. Clugston | |||
Parasitism of greater prairie-chicken nests by ring-necked pheasants. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jeffrey D. Brawn, Ronald L. Westemeier, John E. Buhnerkempe, William R. Edwards, Scott A. Simpson | |||
Patterns of den use by San Joaquin kit foxes. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Thomas T. Kato, Jerry H. Scrivner, Marni E. Koopman | |||
Population demographics of two local South Carolina mourning dove populations. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | David L. Otis, Donald P. McGowan Jr. | |||
Postfledging nest dependence period for bald eagles in Florida. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Michael W. Collopy, Petra Bohall Wood, Carolyn M. Sekerak | |||
Potential risk to ring-necked pheasants from application of toxic bait for blackbird control in south Dakota. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | David G. Decker, Michael L. Avery, George M. Linz, John S. Humphrey, Mary Jo Kenyon, David L. Bergman | |||
Predation of artificial nests in hardwood fragments enclosed by pine and agricultural habitats. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | John C. Kilgo, Karl V. Miller, Robert A. Sargent, Brian R. Chapman | |||
Predation rates and predators at artificial bird nests in an unfragmented northern hardwoods forest. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Richard T. Holmes, Thomas W. Sherry, Stephen S. Sloan | |||
Predicting body condition of bears via two field methods. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Charles T. Robbins, Grant V. Hilderbrand, Sean D. Farley | |||
Predicting early mortality of newborn guanacos by birth mass and hematological parameters: a provisional model. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Warren E. Johnson, Ronald J. Sarno, Laura L. Gustafson, William L. Franklin, Russel L. Hunter, Karen M. Young, Michael J. Behl | |||
Predicting greater prairie-chicken nest success from vegetation and landscape characteristics. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Mark R. Ryan, Gwen McKee, Larry M. Mechlin | |||
Predictors of white-tailed deer grazing intensity in fragmented deciduous forests. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | David J. Augustine, Peter A. Jordan | |||
Productivity and population increase of subarctic breeding canvasbacks. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | James E. Hines, Michael A. Fournier | |||
Rabies control: an adaptive management approach. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Thomas D. Nudds, Claudia A. Schubert, Richard C. Rosatte, Charles D. MacInnes | |||
Radiocesium in mourning doves: effects of a contaminated reservoir drawdown and risk to human consumers. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | I. Lehr Brisbin Jr., Joanna Burger, Robert A. Kennamer, Clark D. McCreedy | |||
Red-shouldered hawk broadcast surveys: factors affecting detection of responses and population trends. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | David E. Andersen, Mary Anne McLeod | |||
Relation between weather and survival of wild turkey nests. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | William F. Porter, Steven D. Roberts | |||
Relations of forest cover and condition of elk: a test of the thermal cover hypothesis in summer and winter. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jack Ward Thomas, John G. Cook, Robert A. Riggs, Larry L. Irwin, Larry D. Bryant | |||
Relations of small mammal populations to even-aged shelterwood systems in sub-boreal spruce forest. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Thomas P. Sullivan, Charlotte Von Trebra, Denis P. Lavender | |||
Reproductive characteristics of a wild turkey population in central Mississippi. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Bruce D. Leopold, Darren A. Miller, George A. Hurst | |||
Reproductive ecology of eastern wild turkeys in southwestern Wisconsin. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Robert G. Wright, R. Neal Paisley, John F. Kubisiak, Robert E. Rolley | |||
Reproductive performance of female Alaskan caribou. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Bruce W. Dale, Layne G. Adams | |||
Response of nesting ducks to predator exclosures and water conditions during drought. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Pamela J. Pietz, John T. Lokemoen, Glen A. Sargeant, Lewis M. Cowardin, H. Thomas Sklebar | |||
Response of small mammals to clearcutting, burning, and glyphosate application in the Oregon Coast Range. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | William C. McComb, Carol L. Chambers, Elizabeth C. Cole, Michael Newton, J.P. Leeming | |||
Responses of caribou to overflights by low-altitude jet aircraft. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Michael D. Smith, Robert G. White, Stephen M. Murphy, Julie A K. Maier | |||
Return rates and reproductive output of captive-reared female mallards. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Tina Yerkes, Cynthia Bluhm | |||
Scaled quail use of different serial stages in the Chihuahuan desert. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jerry L. Holechek, Manuel Cardenas, Lewis Saiwana, Ackim Tembo, Raul Valdez | |||
Seasonal changes in water flux, forage intake, and assimilated energy of free-ranging muskrats. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Kevin L. Campbell, Gillian L. Weseen, Robert A. MacArthur | |||
Secondary use of aspen cavities by tree-roosting big brown bats. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | R. Mark Brigham, Matina C. Kalcounis | |||
Selection of day roosts by female long-legged myotis in the central Oregon Cascade Range. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | William C. McComb, Patricia C. Ormsbee | |||
Short-term effects of small-scale habitat disturbance on activity by insectivorous bats. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | R. Mark Brigham, Scott D. Grindal | |||
Short-term effects of understory and overstory management on breeding birds in Arkansas oak-hickory forests. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Kimberly G. Smith, Paul G. Rodewald | |||
Shot prevalences and diets of diving ducks five years after ban on use of lead shotshells at Catahoula Lake, Louisiana. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | William L. Hohman, Joseph L. Moore, Timothy M. Stark, Gary A. Weisbrich | |||
Silvicultural use of herbicide in sub-boreal spruce forest: implications for small mammal population dynamics. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Thomas P. Sullivan, Christopher Nowotny, R.A. Lautenschlager, Robert G. Wagner | |||
Songbird community composition and nesting success in grazed and ungrazed pinyon-juniper woodlands. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Nancy E. Mathews, Christopher Goguen | |||
Spatial mobility of breeding female white-tailed deer in a low-density population. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Ronald F. Labisky, Duane E. Fritzen | |||
Spatial organization of a prairie striped skunk population during the waterfowl nesting season. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Francois Messier, Serge Lariviere | |||
Survival and cause-specific mortality of wild turkey hens in central Mississippi. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Bruce D. Leopold, Darren A. Miller, George A. Hurst, Loren W. Burger | |||
Survival and cause-specific mortality rates of adult white-tailed deer in New Brunswick. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Warren B. Ballard, Heather A. Whitlaw, Graham J. Forbes, Dwayne L. Sabine, Steven J. Young, Roger A. Jenskins | |||
Survival and reproduction of female Sichuan, ring-necked, and F1 hybrid pheasants. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | David R. Luukkonen, Harold H. Prince, John A. Niewoonder | |||
Survival of female northern pintails wintering in Southwestern Louisiana. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Robert R. Cox Jr., Alan D. Afton, Richard M. Pace III | |||
Survival of ring-necked pheasant chicks during brood rearing. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | William R. Clark, Terry Z. Riley, Paul A. Vohs, Dean E. Ewing | |||
Survival rates in a nonharvested brown hare population. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Eric Marboutin, Kurt Hansen | |||
Testing for wolf-cyote hybridization in the rocky mountains using mitochondrial DNA. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Stephen H. Forbes, Kristine L. Pilgrim, Diane K. Boyd | |||
The commercial harvest of wildlife in Dornod Aimag, Alaska. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Richard P. Reading, Henry Mix, Badamjavin Lhagvasuren, Natsagdorjin Tseveenmyadag | |||
The effect of multiple-brooding on age rations of quails. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Fred S. Guthery, William P. Kuvlesky | |||
The effect of rearing methods on survival of reintroduced black-footed ferrets. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Dean E. Biggins, Astrid Vargas, Louis R. Hanebury, Jerry L. Godbey, Bob Luce, Paul E. Marinari, Marc R. Matchett | |||
The influence of a small sanctuary on survival rates of black bears in North Carolina. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Michael R. Pelton, Jeff Beringer, Allan J. Brody, Steven G. Seibert, Steve Reagan, Larry D. Vangilder | |||
The use of fields at night by wintering American woodcock. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | David G. Krementz, James B. Berdeen | |||
True metabolizable energy estimates of Canada goose foods. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Mark J. Petrie, Ronald D. Drobney, David A. Graber | |||
Ungulate effects on the functional species composition of plant communities: herbivore selectivity and plant tolerance. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | David J. Augustine, Samuel J. McNaughton | |||
Use of ratio estimators to estimate the size of common eider populations in winter. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Nathalie Plante, Daniel Bordage, Andre Bourget, Sylvain Paradis | |||
Use of vocalizations to estimate population size of roe deer. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Jean-Paul Vincent, David Reby, Bruno Cargnelutti, Jean-Marc Angibault, A.J. Mark Hewison | |||
Validating the use of artificial nets in predation experiments. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Catherine P. Ortega, Joseph C. Ortega, Stacia A. Backensto, Cristin A. Rapp | |||
Validity of using artificial nests to assess duck-nest success. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Michael A. Butler, Rotella Jay J. | |||
Variable reproductive success of bald eagles on the British Columbia coast. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | John E. Elliott, Ian E. Moul, Kimberly M. Cheng | |||
Variance component analysis and heritability of antler traits in white-tailed deer. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Harry A. Jacobson, Steven D. Lukefahr | |||
Wild turkey population dynamics in southwestern Wisconsin. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Robert G. Wright, R. Neal Paisley, John F. Kubisiak, Robert E. Rolley | |||
Winter behavior of desert tortoises in southcentral Nevada. | Zoology and wildlife conservation | Kurt R. Rautenstrauch, Audrey L.H. Rager, Danny L. Rakestraw |
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