Journals of Gerontology 1991 - Abstracts

Journals of Gerontology 1991
Abnormal arginine vasopressin response to cigarette smoking and metoclopramide (but not to insulin-induced hypoglycemia) in elderly subjects.SeniorsP. Chiodera, L. Capretti, M. Marchesi, A. Caiazza, L. Bianconi, U. Cavazzini, C. Marchesi, R. Volpi, V. Coiro
Active life expectancy for 10,000 Caucasian men and women in three communities.SeniorsJack M. Guralnik, Daniel J. Foley, Laurence G. Branch, Frank J. Kohout, Terrie T. Wetle, Adrian Ostfeld, Sidney Katz
Adolescent and elderly white male suicide trends: evidence of changing well-being?SeniorsPatricia L. McCall
Adult age differences in the rate of information extraction during visual search.SeniorsPhilip A. Allen, David J. Madden
Adult personality and psychomotor performance: cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis.SeniorsK. Warner Schaie, Sherry L. Willis
Age deficits in retrieval: the fan effect.SeniorsLynn Hasher, Gabriel A. Radvansky, Linda Gerard, Rose T. Zacks
Age differences in depressive symptom experiences.SeniorsJoy Perkins Newmann, Rafael J. Engel, Julie E. Jensen
Age differences in retrieval consistency and response dominance.SeniorsAlan S. Brown, David B. Mitchell
Age-related changes of sympathetic outflow to muscles in humans.SeniorsSatoshi Iwase, Tadaaki Mano, Takemasa Watanabe, Mitsuru Saito, Fumio Kobayashi
Aging effects on heart rate variation.SeniorsJanice B. Schwartz, William J. Gibb, Ton Tran
Aging, inhibitory processes, and negative priming.SeniorsJoan M. McDowd, Deborah M. Oseas-Kreger
A multivariate comparison of the involvement of adult sons versus daughters in the care of impaired parents.SeniorsJeffrey W. Dwyer, Raymond T. Coward
An adult developmental study of contextual memory.SeniorsNancy W. Denney, Betty V. Miller, James R. Dew, Amy L. Levav
An assessment of salivary function in healthy premenopausal and postmenopausal females.SeniorsLauren L. Patton, Carolyn A. Tylenda, Jonathan A. Ship
A preliminary study comparing sleep restriction and relaxation treatments for insomnia in older adults.SeniorsDonald L. Bliwise, Leah Friedman, Jerome A. Yesavage, Shirley R. Salom
Attentional and perceptual contributions to the identification of extrafoveal stimuli: adult age comparisons.SeniorsAlan A. Hartley, Craig R.M. McKenzie
A typology of social climates in group residential facilities for older people.SeniorsRudolf H. Moos, Christine Timko
Autobiographical memory in normal aging and primary degenerative dementia (dementia of Alzheimer type).SeniorsPia Fromholt, Steen F. Larsen
Automatic and effortful memory processes in elderly persons with organic brain pathology.SeniorsMartin L. Rohling, Norman R. Ellis, Forrest Scogin
Black retirement migration in the United States.SeniorsCharles F. Longino Jr., Kenneth J. Smith
Blood pressure, pulse, and neurohormonal responses to nitroprusside-induced hypotension in normotensive aging men.SeniorsJohn W. Rowe, James B. Young, Kenneth L. Minaker, Graydon S. Meneilly, Lewis Landsberg, Jeff S. Stoff, Gary L. Robertson
Body awareness and medical care utilization among older adults in an HMO. (health maintenance organization)SeniorsDavid Mechanic, Stephen Hansell, Gloria Sherman
Cancer mortality, aging, and patterns of comorbidity in the United States: 1968 to 1986.SeniorsHarvey J. Cohen, Max A. Woodbury, Kenneth G. Manton, J. Michael Wrigley
Capturing and clustering women's judgement policies: the case of hormonal therapy for menopause.SeniorsNeal Schmitt, Jagadish Gogate, Marilyn Rothert, David Rovner, Margaret Holmes, Geraldine Talarcyzk, Barbara Given, Jill Kroll
Causes and correlates of recurrent falls in ambulatory frail elderly.SeniorsPalmi V. Jonsson, Lewis A. Lipsitz, Margaret M. Kelley, Julia S. Koestner
Centrality of the grandfather role among older rural black and white men.SeniorsVira R. Kivett
Choice enhances performance in non-insulin dependent diabetics and controls.SeniorsLawrence C. Perlmuter
Clinical spectrum of pulmonary tuberculosis in older patients: comparison with younger patients.SeniorsPaul Van den Brande, Johan Vijgen, Maurits Demedts
Concerns about rodent models for aging research. (editorial)SeniorsEdward J. Masoro, Richard Weindruch
Continuity and change in personality in old age - evidence from five longitudinal studies: introduction to a special issue.SeniorsDorothy Field
Cultural differences among elderly women in coping with the death of an adult child.SeniorsRobert L. Rubinstein, Baine B. Alexander, Marcene Goodman, Mark Luborsky
Dementia: case ascertainment in a community survey.SeniorsMarshal F. Folstein, Alan J. Romanoski, James C. Anthony, Susan Spear Bassett, Gerald R. Nestadt
Disability, residential mobility, and changes in living arrangements.SeniorsAlden Speare Jr., Roger Avery, Leora Lawton
Does age affect the stress and coping process? Implications of age differences in perceived control.SeniorsCarolyn M. Aldwin
Effects of age-related changes in vision. (Psychophysics of Reading, Part 10)SeniorsHiromi Akutsu, Gordon E. Legge, Julie A. Ross, Kurt J. Schuebel
Effects of cognitive training and testing on intellectual efficacy beliefs in elderly adults.SeniorsReinhold Kliegl, Margie E. Lachman, Paul B. Baltes, Freya Dittmann-Kohli
Elders' schema for taking medication: implications for instruction design.SeniorsDaniel Morrow, Von Leirer, Patsy Altieri, Elizabeth Tanke
Electroencephalographic sleep in the healthy "old old": a comparison with the "young old" in visually scored and automated measures.SeniorsCharles F. Reynolds III, Daniel J. Buysse, Timothy H. Monk, Patricia R. Houck, Carolyn C. Hoch, J. Richard Jennings, David B. Jarrett, David J. Kupfer
Extended family networks of older black adults.SeniorsRobert Joseph Taylor, Linda M. Chatters
Fear of falling and postural performance in the elderly.SeniorsBrian E. Maki, Pamela J. Holliday, Anne K. Topper
Focal left temporal slow EEG activity is related to a verbal recent memory deficit in a non-demented elderly population.SeniorsDavid Hardy, Monte S. Buchsbaum, Daniel M. Rice, Lori Burgwald
Health perceptions and survival: do global evaluations of health status really predict mortality?SeniorsEllen L. Idler, Stanislav Kasl
Here's looking at you: the relative effect of age and attractiveness on judgments about memory failure.SeniorsJoan T. Erber, Sharon T. Rothberg
Home upkeep and housing quality of older homeowners.SeniorsSandra J. Newman, James D. Reschovsky
How stressful is retirement? Findings from the normative aging study.SeniorsCarolyn M. Aldwin, Michael R. Levenson, Raymond Bosse, Kathryn Workman-Daniels
Hypocholesterolemia as a predictor of death: a prospective study of 224 nursing home residents.SeniorsAndrew P. Goldberg, Roy B. Verdery
Imipramine in the treatment of depressed Alzheimer's patients: impact on cognition.SeniorsBurton V. Reifler, Linda Teri, Emily White, Richard C. Veith, Robert (English martyr) Barnes, Pamela McLean, Murray Raskind
Influence of thiamin supplementation on the health and general well-being of an elderly Irish population with marginal thiamin deficiency.SeniorsLaurie J. Smidt, Frank M. Cremin, Louis E. Grivetti, Andrew J. Clifford
Instrumental evidence that age increases motor instability in neuroleptic-treated patients.SeniorsJames B. Lohr, Michael P. Caligiuri, Dilip V. Jeste
Key relationships of never married, childless older women: a cultural analysis.SeniorsRobert L. Rubinstein, Baine B. Alexander, Marcene Goodman, Mark Luborsky
Levels of disability among US adults with arthritis.SeniorsLois M. Verbrugge, James M. Lepkowski, Lisa L. Konkol
Living arrangements and sources of caregiving.SeniorsNeena L. Chappell
Location and well-being among retired men.SeniorsDonald C. Reitzes, Elizabeth Mutran, Hallowell Pope
Long-term effects of exercise on psychological functioning in older men and women.SeniorsJames A. Blumenthal, Frederick R. Cobb, R. Edward Coleman, Linda K. George, David J. Madden, Charles F. Emery, Susan Schniebolk, Margaret Walsh-Riddle, Daphne C. McKee, Michael B. Higginbotham
Nonorganizational religious participation among elderly black adults.SeniorsRobert Joseph Taylor, Linda M. Chatters
Nutrition and serum cholesterol levels among elderly men and women (Dutch nutrition surveillance system).SeniorsFrans J. Kok, Michel Wedel, Michiel R.H. Lowik, Susanne Westenbrink, Jacobus Odink, Joanna F. Meulmeester
On age differences in processing variability and scanning speed.SeniorsPhilip A. Allen
On the generalizability of the age-related decline in coping with high-arousal conditions in a precision sport: replication and extension.SeniorsLars Backman, Bo Molander
Patterns of economic change surrounding the death of a spouse.SeniorsCathleen D. Zick, Ken R. Smith
Personality in advanced old age: continuity or change?SeniorsRoger E. Millsap, Dorothy Field
Postural stability and associated physiological factors in a population of aged persons.SeniorsStephen R. Lord, Russell D. Clark, Ian W. Webster
Postural sway characteristics of the elderly under normal and altered visual and support surface conditions.SeniorsGeorge E. Stelmach, Normand Teasdale, Ann Breunig
Predictors of behavioral disturbance in Alzheimer's disease.SeniorsRobert S. Wilson, David W. Gilley, David A. Bennett, Bryan A. Bernard, Jacob H. Fox
Predictors of health status in middle-aged and older Mexican Americans.SeniorsKyriakos S. Markides, David J. Lee
Quality of life in elderly, chronically ill outpatients.SeniorsRichard F. Uhlmann, Robert A. Pearlman
Recognizing and naming tunes: memory impairment in the elderly.SeniorsElizabeth A. Maylor
Regional retirement migration: the case of Cape Cod.SeniorsCharles F. Longino Jr., Lee Cuba
Relation of age and physical exercise status on metabolic rate in younger and older healthy men.SeniorsEric T. Poehlman, Christopher L. Melby, Stephen F. Badylak
Relationship of obesity and physical fitness to cardiopulmonary and metabolic function in healthy older men.SeniorsAndrew P. Goldberg, Eugene R. Bleecker, Margit L. Bleecker, Deborah A. Meyers, Patricia J. Coon, Donald T. Drinkwater
Relationships between intellectual control beliefs and psychometric intelligence in adulthood.SeniorsChristopher Hertzog, Debra R. Grover
Rising from a chair: effects of age and functional ability on performance biomechanics.SeniorsNeil B. Alexander, Albert B. Schultz, David N. Warwick
Role reversals in the exchange of social support.SeniorsDavid L. Morgan, Tonya L. Schuster, Edgar W. Butler
Sexual relations in later life: a national study of married persons.SeniorsWilliam Marsiglio, Denise Donnelly
Social density, stressors, and depression: gender differences among the black elderly.SeniorsBaqar A. Husaini, Stephen T. Moore, Robert S. Castor, William Neser, Richard Whitten-Stovall, J. Gary Linn, Denise Griffin
Social networks, health, and emotional well-being among the oldest old in London.SeniorsAnn Bowling, Peter D. Browne
Stability and change of personality in old age and its relation to survival.SeniorsBo Hagberg, Gillis Samuelsson, Bengt Lindberg, Ove Dehlin
Stepping over obstacles: gait patterns of healthy young and old adults.SeniorsNeil B. Alexander, James A. Ashton-Miller, Albert B. Schultz, Hsieh-Ching Chen
Stress and isolation from close ties in later life.SeniorsNeal Krause
Stressful events and life satisfaction among elderly men and women.SeniorsNeal Krause
Syntactic complexity and adults' running memory span.SeniorsSusan Kemper, Suzanne Norman, Donna Kynette, Hintat Cheung, Cheryl Anagnopoulos
The association of age and depression among the elderly: an epidemiologic exploration.SeniorsDan Blazer, Linda K. George, Bruce Burchett, Connie Service
The association of ancestral longevity with successful aging.SeniorsGeorge E. Vaillant
The effect of retirement on health services utilization: the Kaiser Permanente Retirement Study.SeniorsKrikor Soghikian, Larraine T. Midanik, Michael R. Polen, Laura J. Ransom
The effects of early family relationships on contemporary relationships and assistance patterns between adult children and their parents.SeniorsRand D. Conger, Ronald L. Simons, Les B. Whitbeck
The immunohistochemical evidence of amyloid diffuse deposits as a pathological hallmark in Alzheimer's disease.SeniorsNasser Behrouz, Andre Defossez, Andre Delacourte, Marc Mazzuca
The influence of visual factors on fall-related kinematic variables during stair descent by older women.SeniorsPeter R. Cavanagh, Jan S. Ulbrecht, Guy G. Simoneau, Herschel W. Leibowitz, Richard A. Tyrrell
The relation of pain to depression among institutionalized aged.SeniorsIra R. Katz, Patricia A. Parmelee, M. Powell Lawton
The relative influence of intelligence and age on everyday memory.SeniorsPhilip T. Smith, Janet Cockburn
The role of pain in the last year of life of older persons.SeniorsM. Powell Lawton, Miriam S. Moss, Allen Glicksman
The role of time orientation in life satisfaction across the life span.SeniorsDov Shmotkin
The second move: health and geographic mobility.SeniorsCharles F. Longino Jr., David J. Jackson, Rick S. Zimmerman, Julia E. Bradsher
The steady-state levels of type I collagen mRNA are reduced in senescent fibroblasts.SeniorsJohn J. Furth
The use of health services by older adults.SeniorsFredric Wolinsky, Robert J. Johnson
Thyroid function in a healthy elderly population: implications for clinical evaluation.SeniorsPhilip J. Garry, William C. Hunt, Beth L. Runnels, Jim C. Standefer
Transdermal estradiol with oral progestin: biological and clinical effects in younger and older postmenopausal women.SeniorsMarc R. Blackman, Michele F. Bellantoni, S. Mitchell Harmon, Vanessa E. Cullins, Susan M. Engelhardt
Two studies of pacing in the nursing home.SeniorsJiska Cohen-Mansfield, Perla Werner, Marcia S. Marx, Laurence Freedman
Use of health services in later life: the influence of health beliefs.SeniorsLaurel A. Strain
Value of combined assessment of physical health and functional status in community-dwelling aged: a prospective study in Florence, Italy.SeniorsNiccolo Marchionni, Jack M. Guralnik, Luigi Ferrucci, Alberto Baroni, Gino Tesi, Enrico Antonini
Who and how: some unanswered questions in adult development.SeniorsJoel Shanan
Word onset gating and linguistic context in spoken word recognition by young and elderly adults.SeniorsArthur Wingfield, John S. Aberdeen, Elizabeth A.L. Stine
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