Journals of Gerontology 1993 - Abstracts

Journals of Gerontology 1993
A comparative analysis of neuropsychological test performance of Spanish-speaking patients with Alzheimer's disease.SeniorsDavid A. Loewenstein, Ranjan Duara, Trinidad Arguelles, William W. Barker
A comparison of effectiveness of biofeedback and pelvic muscle exercise treatment of stress incontinence in older community-dwelling women.SeniorsEvan C. Hadley, Patricia A. Burns, Kevin Pranikoff, Thomas H. Nochajski, Kenneth J. Levy, Marcia G. Ory
A correlation between DNA repair capacity and longevity in adult Drosophila melanogasterSeniorsIan Whitehead, Thomas A. Grigliatti
Age and incidental recall for simulated everyday memory task. (PsychologicalSciences)SeniorsThomas H. Crook III, Glenn J. Larrabee, James R. Youngjohn
Age and sleep modify finger temperature responses to facial cooling.SeniorsCharles F. Reynolds III, Daniel J. Buysse, Timothy H. Monk, Carolyn C. Hoch, J. Richard Jennings, PatriciaR. Houck, Florence Hall
Age-based beliefs about memory changes for self and others across adulthood.SeniorsEllen Bouchard Ryan, Sheree Kwong See
Age differences in cognitive performance in later life: relationships to self-reported health and activity life style. (Psychological Sciences)SeniorsDavid F. Hultsch, Mark Hammer, Brent J. Small
Age differences in letter and color matching: selective attention or internal noise?SeniorsPhilip A. Allen, Timothy A. Weber, Nanette May
Age differences in mental rotation task performance: the influence of speed/accuracy tradeoffs.SeniorsChristopher Hertzog, Bart Rypma, Michael C. Vernon
Age, gender, medical treatment, and medication effects on smell identification. (Medical Sciences)SeniorsJonathan A. Ship, James M. Weifenbach
Agency for health care policy and research guidelines for pressure ulcer prevention: improving practice and a stimulus for research. (Medical Sciences) (Editorial)SeniorsKenneth L. Minaker, Paula A. Rochon
Age-related differences in measures of upper extremity impairment. (age of workers and likelihood of upper extremity impairment)SeniorsPhilip E. Higgs, Dorothy F. Edwards, Mary K. Seaton, Christine A. Feely, V. Leroy Young
Aging and cancer - another perspective. (Biological Sciences) (Editorial)SeniorsRichard A. Miller
Aging and memory for schematically versus taxonomically organized verbal materials. (Psychological Sciences)SeniorsThomas M. Hess, Dorothy A. Flannagan, Carol Satterfield Tate
Aging and the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of metoprolol enantiomers in the rat.SeniorsAn M. Vermeulen, Frans M. Belpaire, Frits De Smet, Isabelle Vercruysse, Marc G. Bogaert
Aging as a modulator of respiratory sinus arrhythmia.SeniorsRonald E. De Meersman
A log-linear relationship between reported impairments and age: implicationsfor the multistage hypothesis. (Biological Sciences)SeniorsWilliam F. Forbes, Mary E. Thompson, Namrita Agwani, Lynda M. Hayward
Anticipatory postural adjustments in older adults: are changes in response characteristics due to changes in strategy?SeniorsMarjorie Hines Woollacott, Diane Louise Manchester
Are blacks more likely than whites to receive and provide social support in middle and old age? Yes, no, and maybe so.SeniorsLinda J. Waite, Merril Silverstein
Associations between early experiences with parents and well-being in old age.SeniorsLars Andersson, Nan Stevens
Automatic and effortful memory processes in depressed persons.SeniorsMartin L. Rohling, Forrest Scogin
Career earnings and death: a longitudinal analysis of older Canadian men. (socioeconomic status and health in later life)SeniorsMichael Wolfson, Geoff Rowe, Jane F. Gentleman, Monica Tomiak
Change in social support after retirement: longitudinal findings from the Normative Aging Study. (Veterans Administration Normative Aging Study)SeniorsAvron Spiro III, Carolyn M. Aldwin, Michael R. Levenson, Raymond Bosse, Daniel K. Mroczek
Changes in functional status and the risks of subsequent nursing home placement and death.SeniorsChristopher M. Callahan, Robert J. Johnson, Fredric D. Wolinsky, John F. Fitzgerald
Classification of adult day care: a cluster analysis of services and activities.SeniorsSusan L. Hughes, Kendon J. Conrad, Patricia Hanrahan, Shenglin Wang
Cognitive performance in a high-functioning community-dwelling elderly population. (role of demographic factors on cognitive performance in the elderly)SeniorsRichard Mohs, Marilyn S. Albert, Sharon K. Inouye, Lisa F. Berkman, Kolie Sun
Comparison of the lateral diffusion constant of hepatocyte membrane proteinsin two wild mouse strains of considerably different longevity: FRAP studies on liver smears. (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching)SeniorsRichard G. Cutler, Imre Zs.-Nagy, Kenichi Kitani, Minoru Ohta
Conjugal support: factor structure for older husbands and wives.SeniorsTrudy B. Anderson, B. Jan McCulloch
Conservation of energy, uncertainty reduction, and swift utilization of medical care among the elderly.SeniorsHoward Leventhal, Elaine A. Leventhal, Pamela Schaefer, Douglas Easterling
Dermal blood flow response to constant pressure in healthy older and youngersubjects. (Medical Sciences)SeniorsGeorge C. Xakellis, Rita A. Frantz, Manuel Arteaga, Steve Meletiou
Determining the pattern of community care: is coresidence more important than caregiver relationship?SeniorsSharon L. Tennstedt, John B. McKinlay, Sybil Crawford
Development and validation of a physical performace instrument for the functionally impaired elderly: the Physical Disability Index (PDI).SeniorsCynthia D. Mulrow, Michael J. Lichtenstein, Helen P. Hazuda, Michael R. Tuley, Meghan B. Gerety, Richard Bohannon, Deanna N. Kanten, Margaret B. O'Neil, Ann Gorton
Diet and the suitability of the male fischer 344 rat as a model for aging research. (Biological Sciences)SeniorsEdward J. Masoro, C. Alex McMahan, Isao Shimokawa, Yoshikazu Higami, Gene B. Hubbard, Byung Pal Yu
Dietary restriction of adult male rhesus monkeys: design, methodology, and preliminary findings from the first year of study. (Biological Sciences)SeniorsEllen B. Roecker, Richard Weindruch, Joseph W. Kemnitz, Kathryn Crawford, Paul L. Kaufman, William B. Ershler
Dietary restriction retards onset but not progress of leukemia in male F344 rats.SeniorsEdward J. Masoro, Byung Pal Yu, Isao Shimokawa, Yoshikazu Higami, Takayoshi Ikeda
Diet restriction prevents aging-induced deficits in brain phosphoinositide metabolism.SeniorsEitan Friedman, Ashiwel S. Undie
Dissociation of changes in metabolic rate and blood pressure with erythrocyte Na-K punp actvity in older men after endurance training.SeniorsEric T. Poehlman, George D. Webb, Richard P. Tonino
DNA repair in congenic mice: possible influence of a chromosome 4 genetic region on the rate of benzo(a)pyrene-induced DNA adduct removal. (Biological Sciences) (Editorial)SeniorsJeanne Y. Wei, Jan Vijg, Michael E.T.I. Boerrigter, Yi Yin
Does expressed emotion in spouses predict subsequent problems among care recipients with Alzheimer's disease?SeniorsPeter P. Vitaliano, Joan Russo, Heather M. Young, Joan Romano, Ana Magana-Amato
Early parental loss and personal control in later life.SeniorsNeal Krause
Effect of aging on changes in plasma potassium during exercise.SeniorsGary A. Ford, Brian B. Hoffman, Terrence F. Blaschke, Robert Wiswell
Effects of age and exercise training on size and composition of the rat leftmain coronary artery.SeniorsCarol M. Julin, D. Paul Thomas
Effects of dietary protein restriction on nitrogen balance and cardiovascular functions in aged rats.SeniorsIchiro Sonaka, Yuko Futami, Tetsuo Kobayashi, Tsutomu Umezawa, Toshio Maki
Endurance exercise training reduces glucose-stimulated insulin levels in 60-to 70-year-old men and women.SeniorsWendy M. Kohrt, John O. Holloszy, John P. Kirwan, Daniel M. Wojta, Raymond E. Bourey
Estimates of change in chronic disability and institutional incidence and prevalence rates in the U.S. elderly population from the 1982, 1984, and 1989 National Long Term Care Survey.SeniorsEric Stallard, Kenneth G. Manton, Larry S. Corder
Evidence for a preretirement process among older male workers.SeniorsDavid J. Ekerdt, Stanley DeViney
Facts and fiction about memory aging: a quantitative integration of research findings.SeniorsPaul Verhaeghen, Luc Goossens, Alfons Marcoen
Food restriction suppresses an age-dependent increase in the exhalation rate of pentane from rats: a longitudinal study.SeniorsMitsuyoshi Matsuo, Fujiya Gomi, Kazunao Kuramoto, Masaru Sagai
Gastrointestinal proliferation and aging.SeniorsEvren Atillasoy, Peter R. Holt
Gender differences in parent care: demographic factors and same-gender preferences. (Social Sciences)SeniorsGary R. Lee, Jeffrey W. Dwyer, Raymond T. Coward
Hospitals' motivations in establishing or closing geriatric evaluation management units: diffusion of a new patient-care technology in a changing health care environment.SeniorsRisa J. Lavizzo-Mourey, Alan L. Hillman, J. Sanford Schwartz, Deborah Diserens
Identification of disease genes and somatic gene therapy: an overview and prospects for the aged.SeniorsPragna I. Patel
Improved foot position sense as a result of repetitions in older adults.SeniorsGeorge E. Stelmach, Harry J. Meeuwsen, Timothy M. Sawicki
Influence of response selection and noise similarity on age differences in the redundancy gain. (age and reaction to target letters in stimulus displays)SeniorsPhilip A. Allen, David J. Madden, Karen E. Groth, Tim A. Weber
Investigations of inhibition and interference in younger and older adults.SeniorsLynn Hasher, Rose T. Zacks, David Goldstein, Ellen R. Stoltzfus, Mauri S. Ulivi
Item and relational processing in young and older adults.SeniorsJoan M. McDowd, Laurel M. Fisher
Joint impairment and self-reported disability in elderly persons.SeniorsSusan L. Hughes, Perry L. Edelman, Ruth H. Singer, Rowland W. Chang
Kinematics of recovery from a stumble.SeniorsMark D. Grabiner, Timothy J. Koh, Thomas M. Lundin, Dennis W. Jahnigen
Life span changes in the verbal categorization of odors.SeniorsCarl W. Cotman, Michael J. Russell, Brian J. Cummings, Bea F. Profitt, Charles J. Wysocki, Avery N. Gilbert
Long-term caloric restriction improves baroreflex sensitivity in aging Fischer 344 rats.SeniorsJohn Thomas, Helen Bertrand, Cynthia Stacy, Jeremiah T. Herlihy
Long-term maintenance of exercise, self-efficacy, and physiological change in older adults.SeniorsEdward McAuley, Terry E. Duncan, Curt Lox
Marriage and romantic involvement among aged African Americans.SeniorsRobert Joseph Taylor, M. Belinda Tucker, Claudia Mitchell-Kernan
Measurement of need for assistance with daily activities: quantifying the influence of gender roles. (personal assistance for male and female cancer outpatients)SeniorsVincent Mor, Peter Houts, Susan M. Allen, Victoria Raveis
Measuring functioning and health in the very old. (Medical Sciences)SeniorsAlbert L. Siu, Ron D. Hays, Joseph G. Ouslander, Amy Gross, R. Burciaga Valdez, Daniel Osterwell, Michelle Krynski
Medical conditions associated with driving cessation in community-dwelling, ambulatory elders.SeniorsTrudy L. Bush, Miriam K. Campbell, William E. Hale
Minireview: on size and survival: progress and pitfalls in the allometry of life span. (body size and life span in mammals)SeniorsDaniel E.L. Promislow
Morbidity and mortality in rural community-dwelling elderly with low total serum cholesterol.SeniorsLewis H. Kuller, Diane Greenblatt Ives, Paula Bonino, Neal D. Traven
More or less the same? A memorability analysis on episodic memory tasks in young and older adults.SeniorsPaul Verhaeghen, Alfons Marcoen
Myocardial GLUT-4 glucose transporter protein levels of rats decline with advancing age.SeniorsGregory D. Cartee
Nativity, acculturation, and economic status: explanations of Asian American living arrangements in later life.SeniorsJeffrey A. Burr, Jan E. Mutchler
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and blood pressure in elderly population.SeniorsRobert B. Wallace, Elizabeth A. Chrischilles
Oral arginine-lysine does not increase growth hormone or insulin-like growth factor-I in old men.SeniorsMarc R. Blackman, Emiliano Corpas, Robin Roberson, Daniel Scholfield, S. Mitchell Harman
Oral health status of the elderly in New England.SeniorsHenry A. Feldman, Chester W. Douglass, Alan M. Jette, Sheila M. McGuire, Sharon L. Tennstedt, John B. McKinlay, Christopher H. Fox, Anil Joshi
Oxygen-dependent perturbation of life span and aging rate in the nematode.SeniorsShuji Honda, Naoaki Ishii, Kenshi Suzuki, Mitsuyoshi Matsuo
Pain and depression in the nursing home: corroborating results.SeniorsJiska Cohen-Mansfield, Marcia S. Marx
Patterns of nonresponse in a national survey of elderly Japanese.SeniorsJersey Liang, Gina M. Jay, Xian Liu, Hidehiro Sugisawa
Personality development across the adult life span: subjective conceptions vs cross-sectional contrasts.SeniorsJutta Heckhausen, Joachim Krueger
Physical measurements in an elderly black population: knee height as the dominant indicator of stature. (Medical Sciences)SeniorsJohnnie W. Prothro, Christine A. Rosenbloom
Physicians' ratings of health in middle and old age: a cautionary note. (Social Sciences)SeniorsKyriakos S. Markides, Sandra A. Black, David J. Lee, LauraA. Ray
Poverty among older Americans: the plight of nonmetropolitan elders.SeniorsDiane K. McLaughlin, Leif Jensen
Prior knowledge and face recognition in a community-based sample of healthy, very old adults.SeniorsMatti Viitanen, Lars Backman, Agneta Herlitz, Ake Wahlin, Timo Mantyla, Bengt Winbald
Relationship between glucose tolerance and glucose-stimulated insulin response in 65-year-olds.SeniorsWendy M. Kohrt, John O. Holloszy, Douglas S. King, Myrlene A. Staten, Raymond E. Bourey, J.P. Kirwan
Replication of the multidimensionality of activities of daily living. (Social Sciences)SeniorsJohn F. Fitzgerald, David M. Smith, Douglas K. Martin, Jay A. Freedman, Fredic D. Wolinsky
Resources and the productive activity of elders: race and gender as contexts.SeniorsNicholas L. Danigelis, Barbara R. McIntosh
Sensitivity and specificity for dementia of population-based criteria for cognitive impairment: the MoVIES project. (Monongahela Valley Independent Elders Survey)SeniorsLewis H. Kuller, Mary Ganguli, Steven Belle, Graham Ratcliff, Eric Seaberg, F. Jacob Huff, Kenneth von der Porten
Speed and knowledge as determinants of adult age differences in verbal tasks. (Psychological Sciences)SeniorsTimothy A. Salthouse
Stability and improvement of health after nursing home admission. (Social Sciences)SeniorsMarshall J. Graney, Veronica F. Engle
Support and interpersonal stress in the social networks of married daughterscaring for parents with dementia. (Social Sciences)SeniorsJ. JIll Suitor, Karl Pillemer
The difference in stiffness of the active plantarflexors between young and elderly human females.SeniorsPeter Blanpied, Gary L. Smidt
The effect of age on the synthesis of two heat shock proteins in the HSP70 family.SeniorsBo Wu, Mao J. Gu, Ahmad R. Heydari, Arlan Richardson
The effect of improved glycemic control on cognitive functions in the elderly patient with diabetes.SeniorsGraydon S. Meneilly, Elsie Cheung, Daniel Tessier, Christine Yakura, Holly Tuokko
The effects of bereavement on eating behaviors and nutrient intakes in elderly widowed persons.SeniorsChristine A. Rosenbloom, Frank J. Whittington
The effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the behavior of rats during their life span.SeniorsBernhard Janicke, Helmut Coper
The impact of long-term exercise training on psychological function in olderadults. (Psychological Sciences)SeniorsMary Malley, Robert D. Hill, Martha Storandt
The influence of age on endocrine responses to ultraendurance stress.SeniorsMary L. O'Toole, Laurence M. Demers, William B. Malarkey, Joyce C. Hall, Robert R. Rice Jr., Pam S. Douglas, Ronald Glaser
The influence of an aging immune system on cancer incidence and progression. (Biological Sciences)SeniorsWilliam B. Ershler
The influence of health on family contacts and family feelings in advanced old age: a longitudinal study. (Psychological Sciences)SeniorsDorothy Field, Meredith Minkler, R. Frank Falk, E. Victor Leino
The occurrence and duration of symptoms in elderly patients with delirium. (sensitivity of the DSM-III/DSM-III-R diagnostic tests)SeniorsKenneth Rockwood
The pituitary-adrenal glucocorticoid response is altered by gender and disease.SeniorsJohn W. Rowe, Dariush Elahi, Susan L. Greenspan, Lauri A. Maitland, Marianne McAloon-Dyke
Thermally-induced cutaneous vasodilatation in aging.SeniorsMarc Rendell, Ellen Evans, Bartek. James, Sharon Connor, Ola Bamisedun, Daniel Dovgan, Michael Giitter
The role of social comparisons processes in the psychological adaptation of elderly adults.SeniorsSusan M. Heidrich, Carol D. Ryff
Time use of caregivers of impaired elders before and after institutionalization.SeniorsMorton H. Kleban, M. Powell Lawton, Miriam S. Moss, Louise Duhamel
Transient normalization of lymphocyte blastogenic and specific antibody responses following boosting of healthy elderly subjects with tetanus toxoid. (Medical Sciences)SeniorsElizabeth A. Rich, Jerrold J. Ellner, Keith B. Armitage, Evelyn G. Duffy, Maria A. Mincek, Charlotte B. Miller, Fritz van der Kuyp, David L. Hom, Julia A. Munger, Kay L. Edmonds, Lavenia S. Ferguson
Uptake of serotonin into platelets of senile dementia of the Alzheimer type patients.SeniorsPoliana Koren, Adriana Diver-Haber, Avraham Adunsky, Marian Rabinowitz, Moshe Hershkowitz
Who helps whom in older parent-child families?SeniorsAlden Speare Jr., Roger Avery
Why does insulin resistance develop during maturation? (glucose uptake in rats)SeniorsMichael J. Reed, Gerald M. Reaven, Carl E. Mondon, Salman Azhar
Work careers in men's later years: transitions, trajectories, and historical change.SeniorsGlen H. Elder Jr., Eliza K. Pavalko
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