Quality Progress 1996 - Abstracts

Quality Progress 1996
9000 standards? (International Standards Organization 9000 quality standards)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRichard Tayson
A case for Koalaty Kid.(quality improvement in schools)Engineering and manufacturing industriesDonna Green
A Darwinian future is looming....(survival of quality professionals)Engineering and manufacturing industriesPaul F. Wilson
After the Quality Audit: Closing the Loop on the Audit Process.(excerpt)Engineering and manufacturing industriesJ.P. Russell, Terry Regel
A graphical exploration of SPC.(statistical process control)(SPC's definitions and procedures, part 1)(includes related article)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRobert W. Hoyer, Wayne C. Ellis
A look at the past to predict the future.(future of quality control)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMark Gershon
A nation reconstructed.(book excerpt)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRoger D. Hart, Sheryl L. Cooley
And the award goes to....(awards for educational quality)Engineering and manufacturing industriesHomer H. Johnson
An incentive compensation plan with an eye on quality.(Varian X-Ray Tube Products)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRobert H. Kluge
Another look at "A graphical exploration of SPC."(Statistical Process Control)(response to Robert W. Hoyer and Wayne C. Ellis, Quality Progress, p. 65, May 1996 and p. 57, June 1996)Engineering and manufacturing industriesLloyd S. Nelson
ANSI, RAB agree to establish National Accreditation programs.(American National Standards Institute, Registrar Accreditation Board)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
A report from the automotive trenches. (contains a related article on obstacles in implementing quality systems)(Real World Applications of Standards)Engineering and manufacturing industriesGerald Harrison
Are students the true customers of higher education?(role of students in quality higher education)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMete Sirvanci
Are you a right-brain or left-brain thinker?(qualities of right-brain and left-brain thinkers)Engineering and manufacturing industriesJohn R. Dew
Are you listening? (employee attitudes)(includes related article)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRoger E. Breisch
ASQC Net changes for the 1996-97 member year.(American Society for Quality Control)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
ASQC offers IRS suggestions for quality improvement initiatives.(Internal Revenue Service)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Automation doesn't automatically solve problems.Engineering and manufacturing industriesJohn K. Hawley
Becoming partners with internal customers.(includes related article)Engineering and manufacturing industriesJames H. Drew, Tye R. Fussell
Behind the stars and stripes: quality in the USA. (includes related articles)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRachel Hilary
Can U.S. schools be managed for improvement?(quality education)(includes related article)Engineering and manufacturing industriesLeonard Cummings, Jim Lunsford
Cheese isn't just for eating anymore: use it to introduce basic quality concepts.Engineering and manufacturing industriesJohn S. Morris, John J. Lawrence
Coming soon: single auditor certification.(objectives of International Auditor and Training Certification Association)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Consult your customers before making plans.Engineering and manufacturing industriesForler Massnick
Continuous improvement through the QS-9000 road map.Engineering and manufacturing industriesMike Lovitt
Corrective action in the real world.(includes related article)(Column)Engineering and manufacturing industriesKen Paxton
Creativity and improvement: a vital link.(quality improvement)Engineering and manufacturing industriesLloyd P. Provost, R.M. Sprout
Credit card use cuts procurement costs and improves efficiency.Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Customer Loyalty: playing for keeps.(Cover Story)Engineering and manufacturing industriesAnne Calek, Laura Struebing
Does your company invest your time wisely?(effective organizational designs)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Don't throw scientific management out with the bathwater.(scientific management in Japan)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMichael G. Freeman
Eating the elephant one bite at a time.(ISO 9000 registration)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMalcolm L. Macfarlane
Eight points for more useful surveys.(total quality management)Engineering and manufacturing industriesGlenda Y. Nogami
Eight-step process to successful ISO 9000 implementation: a quality management system approach. (International Standards Organization)Engineering and manufacturing industriesLawrence A. Wilson
Everyone benefits from guaranteed employment security.(productivity and employment security)Engineering and manufacturing industriesGeorge Becker
Five myths about customer satisfaction.Engineering and manufacturing industriesJarrett Rosenberg
Five ways to improve the contracting process.(relationship between contractor and customer)Engineering and manufacturing industriesPete Hybert
GAO symposium uncovers eight principles for managing people.(General Accounting Office and its policy)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
How companies miss the boat on ISO 9000.(International Standards Organization)Engineering and manufacturing industriesAmy Zuckerman, Alan Hurwitz
How to get nonbelievers to participate in teams.Engineering and manufacturing industriesMichael Jaycox
How to measure continuous improvement.(process management system)Engineering and manufacturing industriesDavid K. Wetzel, Gary P. Maul
How to prevent teams from failing.(quality control teams at manufacturing firms)Engineering and manufacturing industriesJohn D.W. Beck, Neil M. Yeager
How TQM can work in education.(total quality management)Engineering and manufacturing industriesKathleen A. Sharples, Michael Slusher, Mike Swaim
Implementing a supplier scoreboard program.Engineering and manufacturing industriesMahesh P. Desai
Implementing the ISO 9000 standards in Belgium.(Real World Applications of Standards)Engineering and manufacturing industriesDaniel Vloeberghs, Jan Bellens
Investing in quality pays off for General Securities.(General Securities Fund, buying stocks of companies using total quality management)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
IRS is lowest ranked service in United States.(Internal Revenue Service)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
ISO 14000: friend or foe.(International Organization for Standardization)Engineering and manufacturing industriesStephen Barlas
Law could require the federal sector to use ISO 14000.(International Organization for Standardization)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMichael A. Ross
Law firm pioneers explore new territory.Engineering and manufacturing industriesNancy Blodgett
Leave your soft drinks (and sanity) at the door.(prerequisites of total quality management training)Engineering and manufacturing industriesDelores Hemphill
Love and profit: finding the balance in life and work.Engineering and manufacturing industriesJames Autry
Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh.(preparing employees for an audit)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMike Micklewright
Making the big U-turn.(new standards by federal agencies)(National Performance Review)(contains customer service standards list)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Math programming's potential to aid TQM implementation. (total quality management)(includes related article)Engineering and manufacturing industriesJohn J. Lawrence
Maximizing the value of customer feedback.(Technical Assistance Research Programs survey, Inc.)Engineering and manufacturing industriesJohn Goodman, David DePalma, Scott Broetzman
Measuring performance with customer-defined metrics.(Information Systems Contract, Johnson Space Centre)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMark W. Morgan
Obstacles vs. obsolescence.(future role of quality professionals)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMarilyn Hanchett
On futures thinking: trends, scenarios, visions, and strategies.(quality scene by the year 2050)Engineering and manufacturing industriesClement Bezold
Overcoming the barriers to TQM's success.(total quality management)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRobert J. Masters
Plans under way for the launch of PaQ for education.(Professional Alliance for Quality)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Process-product integrity audits: a hardware auditing technique for the '90s.(main causes of operational problems and recommended remedial actions)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMichael J. Taylor
Quality and its environment in 2010.Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Quality auditor certification program changes announced.(Registrar Accreditation Board revises quality management systems)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Quality, innovation and spontaneous democracy.Engineering and manufacturing industriesBrian L. Joiner
Quality Progress' sixth Quality in Education listing.Engineering and manufacturing industriesLeigh Ann Klaus
Quality, the future, and you.Engineering and manufacturing industriesDavid B. Luther
Reengineering in health care: chain hand-offs and the four-phase work cycle.(Continental Rehabilitation Hospital, San Diego, CA)Engineering and manufacturing industriesEdward Chaplin
Relearning the learning process.(includes illustrative information on learning processes)Engineering and manufacturing industriesBarbara A. Cleary
Research for the next generation of quality.(Transformations to Quality Organizations 1995/1996 Research Grant Awards)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Rethinking traditional quality assurance.(the changing attitude towards quality)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRick Sutter
Self-directed work teams: a guide to implementation.(includes related article)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMichael W. Piczak, Reuben Z. Hauser
Seven ways to make money from ISO 9000.(Real World Applications of Standards)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMichael J. Scotto
Sharing the wealth: TQM spreads from business to education.(total quality management)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRobert Manley, John Manley
Small companies learn how to design in quality.(design of experiments program helps small industries improve quality)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMarie Gaudard, Jill Schoof, Joseph J. Paterno
Software products.(quality improvement tracking products)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Study reveals technology's role in customer satisfaction.Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Survival for quality and unions.Engineering and manufacturing industriesJohn Ryan, Sidney P. Rubinstein
Teamwork brings breakthrough improvements in quality and climate.(United Kingdom)Engineering and manufacturing industriesSteven Crom, Herbert France
The bossless performance review.(includes a related article on evaluated behaviors of Catholic parish ministers)Engineering and manufacturing industriesCharles F. Fitzsimmons
The Eastman way.(employee motivation at the Eastman Chemical Company)(includes related articles)Engineering and manufacturing industriesWeston F. Milliken
The evolution of a QC guy.(the true job of a quality professional)Engineering and manufacturing industriesChristopher J. Cremer
The next generation of school reform.(total quality management)(includes related article)Engineering and manufacturing industriesL. David Weller
The probability structure of rules for interpreting control charts.(A Graphical Exploration of SPC, part 2)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRobert W. Hoyer, Wayne C. Ellis
The pursuit of happiness: use market-based management to improve performance and go beyond TQM.(total quality management)Engineering and manufacturing industriesThomas Pyzdek
The quality chain.Engineering and manufacturing industriesTom Troczynski
The realistic model of higher education.Engineering and manufacturing industriesDuncan Bailey, Jerome V. Bennett
There's gold in them thar failures! (role of quality assurance in identifying the early failures in product development)Engineering and manufacturing industriesEdmund S. Fine
The secrets of improvement-driven organizations. (includes related article)Engineering and manufacturing industriesStephen L. Yearout
The TQEM-ISO 14001 connection. (total quality environmental management, International Organization for Standardization)(Real World Applications of Standards)Engineering and manufacturing industriesCaroline G. Hemenway, Gregory J. Hale
The UAW continues its efforts to improve quality.(United Auto Workers)Engineering and manufacturing industries 
The U.S. economy needs a productivity boost.(productivity, participative management and employment security)Engineering and manufacturing industriesLynn Williams
The zealots and the old guard. (use of total quality management)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMimi Wolverton
Timely management action can help protect profitability.Engineering and manufacturing industriesAnibal Joseph Mayor
TQM and human nature: getting beyond organizational misconceptions.(total quality management)Engineering and manufacturing industriesJohn P. Scully
TQM, reengineering, and the edge of chaos.(total quality management)Engineering and manufacturing industriesLawrence P. Leach
TQM requires the harnessing of fear.(positive factors of fear, Total Quality Management)Engineering and manufacturing industriesClive Shearer
TQO Roundtable encourages business and academia to debate quality research.(Transformations to Quality Organizations)Engineering and manufacturing industriesLeigh Ann Klaus
Trading places: a new way to break down old barriers.( management and shop personnel interchanging roles)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMarty Duhatschek, Dan Stoelb
Trends and key forces shaping the future of quality.(includes notes)Engineering and manufacturing industriesClement Bezold, Atul Dighe
Unions and quality professionals need to work together to avoid tragedy.(quality and employment security)Engineering and manufacturing industriesIrv Bluestone
United States and Egypt collaborate in standards and metrology effort.Engineering and manufacturing industries 
Use the cause-and-effect diagram to manage conflict.Engineering and manufacturing industriesDeborah Donndelinger, Barbara Van Dine
What benchmarking books don't tell you.Engineering and manufacturing industriesSarah Lincoln, Art Price
What should higher education be teaching about quality?Engineering and manufacturing industriesJames R. Evans
What's the long-term cost of short-term profits?(human resource development and productivity)Engineering and manufacturing industriesMorton Bahr
What to look for in a group facilitator.(includes a related article on external facilitators)Engineering and manufacturing industriesSandor P. Schuman
Where will they fit in?(quality professionals)Engineering and manufacturing industriesLori L. Silverman, Annabeth L. Propst
Will the OHSMS standards become a reality?(occupational health and safety management system)Engineering and manufacturing industriesStephen Barlas
Xerox 2000: from survival to opportunity.(management model)Engineering and manufacturing industriesRichard J. Leo
Yes, it makes a difference! (problem-solving approach)Engineering and manufacturing industriesFrederick W. Nickols
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